Multiple Blue Rings

Incorporation of Smart Transportation Security

Mrunal K. Shende

Smart transportation security is becoming more prevalent due to the increasing number of devices connected to the network. An attacker can easily access the mobility’s internal dedicated system or use it for unauthorized purposes.

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Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) can be used for increasing efficiency by reducing congestion. However, the lack of security in these systems can lead to a significant loss of resources.

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AI-based transportation systems are also vulnerable to hacking because they depend on data collected from sensors, cameras, and other IoT devices that are not fully secured.

The real challenge in making counter-attacks is to make the security framework system have less overhead.

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DoS is the most common and typical attack performed  on the availability of the resources of the smart transport 

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In Sybil attack attacker creates fake identities and use them to get into the smart transport system.

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So along with the pros, we got some cons as in ITS, Security is the main major concern to look out for. As technology is increasing and everything going online or wireless the attackers are also being active more .

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