2022 Volume 1
- Analysis of Machine Learning Based DDoS Attack Detection Techniques in Software Defined Network pp:1-6
- By : A. Gaurav. V. Arya, and D. Santaniello
- Cite as: Gaurav A., Arya V., Santaniello D. (2022) Analysis of Machine Learning Based DDoS Attack Detection Techniques in Software Defined Network. Cyber Security Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, pp. 1-6. 2022.
- Analysis of Machine learning based XSS attack Detection Techniques pp:7-10
- By : Kwok Tai Chui and A. K. Gupta
- Cite as: Chui K.T., Gupta A. K. (2022) Analysis of Machine learning based XSS attack Detection Techniques. Cyber Security Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, pp. 7-10. 2022.
- IoT Security using Machine Learning Techniques pp:11-15
- By: Aarushi Sethi and Brij B. Gupta
- Cite as: Sethi A., Gupta B.B. (2022) IoT Security using Machine Learning Techniques. Cyber Security Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, pp. 11-15. 2022.
- Cyber Security Traits of a Future-Ready Organization pp: 16-19
- By: Anupama Mishra and Francesco COLACE
- Cite as: Mishra A., COLACE F. (2022) Cyber Security Traits of a Future-Ready Organization. Cyber Security Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, pp. 16-19. 2022.
- Opportunities in 5G Edge Computing & Security Challenges pp: 20-27
- By: Patrick W Kinyanjui and Bharat S.Rawal
- Cite as: Kinyanjui P.W., Rawal B.S. (2022) Opportunities in 5G Edge Computing & Security Challenges. Cyber Security Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, pp. 20-27. 2022.