Insights: An International Interdisciplinary Journal

2023 Volume 1, Issue 2

  1. Quantum Cryptography Enhances Business Communication Security
    • By: Mosiur Rahaman, Sourasis Chattopadhyay, Aminul Haque, Satyendra Nath Mandal, Nizirwan Anwar, Novi S Adi
    • Cite as: Rahaman M, Chattopadhyay S, Haque A, Mandal S N, Anwar N, Adi N S (2023), Quantum Cryptography Enhances Business Communication Security, Insights: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 01, No. 2, pp.1-10
  2. Development of Green, Low-Cost Smart Crop Health Monitoring System Using IoT
    • By: Rahul Narang, Vanshita Bansal,Vasu Goel,Dr. Shilpa Jindal
    • Cite as: Rahul Narang R., Bansal V.,Goel V, Jindal S., (2023) Development of Green, Low-Cost Smart Crop Health Monitoring System Using IoT, Insights: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 01, No. 2, pp.11-19
  3. Evaluating Software Algorithm Visualization Projects
    • By: Ashish Kumari, Navdeep Bohra,Pardeep Sangwan
    • Cite as: Kumari A., Bohra N., Sangwan P., (2023) Evaluating Software Algorithm Visualization Projects, Insights: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 01, No. 2, pp.20-26
  4. Plant Foliage Disease Diagnosis Using Light-Weight Efficient Sequential CNN Model
    • By: Nurul Huda, Eli Lestari, Adilah Widiasti
    • Cite As: Huda N, Lestari E., Widiasti A (2023) Plant Foliage Disease Diagnosis Using Light-Weight Efficient Sequential CNN Model, Insights: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 01, No. 2, pp.27-33

pp. 1-10

pp. 11-19

pp. 20-26

pp. 27-33