Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine

2024 Volume 1, Issue 04

  1. IoT in Healthcare
    • Cite As: Hasan A. (2024), IoT in Healthcare, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 04, pp. 1-4
  2. A Deep Dive into the Computer Vision and its Transformative Potential
    • By: Pinaki Sahu
    • Cite As: Sahu P. (2024), A Deep Dive into the Computer Vision and its Transformative Potential, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 04, pp. 5-8
  3. Exploring the Depths of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
    • Cite As: Reddy K.T. (2024), Exploring the Depths of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 04, pp. 9-13
  4. Federated Learning on Cloud Computing: A Comprehensive Review
    • By: Himanshu Tiwari
    • Cite As: Tiwari H. (2024), Federated Learning on Cloud Computing: A Comprehensive Review, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 04, pp. 14-20
  5. TextBlob: A Text analysis tool for NLP tasks
    • Cite As: Brijith A. (2024), TextBlob: A Text analysis tool for NLP tasks, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 04, pp. 21-24
  6. Comprehensive Healthcare Security: Safeguarding Critical Components in a Digital World
    • By: Vajratiya Vajrobol
    • Cite As: Vajrobol V (2024) Comprehensive Healthcare Security: Safeguarding Critical Components in a Digital World, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 04, pp. 25-32

pp. 1-4

pp. 5-8

pp: 9-13

pp. 14-20

pp. 21-24

pp. 25-32