Data Science Insights Magazine

2023 Volume 4

  1. Demystifying Kubernetes Service Types: ClusterIP, NodePort , LoadBalancer & ExternalName
    • By: Himanshu Tiwari
    • Cite As: Tiwari H. (2023) Demystifying Kubernetes Service Types: ClusterIP, NodePort , LoadBalancer & ExternalName, Data Science Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 4, pp. 1-8
  2. ChatGPT and prompting framework
    • Cite As: VAJROBOL V. (2023) ChatGPT and prompting framework, Data Science Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 4, pp. 9-12
  3. The Unyielding Imperative of High-Speed Network Security
    • By: Japan Ajit Singh Gandhi, Kanishk Nagpal
    • Cite As: Gandhi J.A.S, Nagpal K. (2023) The Unyielding Imperative of High-Speed Network Security, Data Science Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 4, pp. 13-16
  4. Enhancing Face Recognition Precision in Challenging Conditions with Texture-Guided Transfer Learning
    • By: Julius Ivander Massie, Stephen Jonathan, Ranggi Cahyana Mariandani
    • Cite As: Massie J I, Jonathan S, Mariandani R C (2023) Enhancing Face Recognition Precision in Challenging Conditions with Texture-Guided Transfer Learning, Data Science Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 4, pp. 14-20

pp. 1-8

pp. 9-12

pp. 13-16

pp. 17-20