Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine

2023 Volume 1, Issue 3

  1. Facial Emotion Detection and Music Recommendation Through Chatbot Assistance
    • By: Pinaki Sahu
    • Cite As: Sahu P. (2023), Facial Emotion Detection and Music Recommendation Through Chatbot Assistance, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 3 pp. 1-6.
  2. A Comprehensive Guide to Computer Worms and Defense Strategies
    • Cite As: Reddy K.T. (2023), A Comprehensive Guide to Computer Worms and Defense Strategies, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 7-12.
  3. Traefik: Revolutionizing Load Balancing in the OpenSource Arena
    • By: Himanshu Tiwari
    • Cite As: Tiwari H. (2023), Traefik: Revolutionizing Load Balancing in the OpenSource Arena, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 13-20.
  4. Smart Contracts and Programmable Transactions
    • Cite As: Hasan A. (2023), Smart Contracts and Programmable Transactions, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 21-23
  5. Deciphering Machine Learning
    • By: Arya Brijith
    • Cite As: Brijith A. (2023), Deciphering Machine Learning, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 24-26
  6. Discovering the Power of Autoencoders
    • Cite As: VAJROBOL V. (2023) Discovering the Power of Autoencoders, Next-Gen Tech Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 26-31

pp. 1-6

pp. 7-12

pp. 13-20

pp. 21-23

pp. 24-26

pp. 26-31