The world’s top 2% of most important scientists across all fields have been updated in a new list issued by Stanford University [1]. Based on bibliometric data from the Scopus database, this list is widely regarded as the most renowned of its kind. It is prepared by Prof. John PA Loannidis and his colleagues at Stanford University [2]. In this article, we will focus on Taiwanese researchers who play an important role in global development and innovation. Figure 1 and Figure 2 represent the analysis according to the countries.

Figure 3 represents the selected researchers according to their affiliations. As we can see from figure 3, most of the researchers in the top 2% of most Influential Scientists are from Harvard Medica School. Also, figure 4 represents the subject analysis. From Figure 4 it is clear that “General and internal medicine” and “Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing” are the most popular subject areas among the researchers. Finally, figure 5 represents the top ranked researchers.
