Data Science Insights Magazine

2023 Volume 3

  1. Emotional Intelligence in Robots
    • Cite as: BRIJITH A. (2023)Emotional Intelligence in Robots, Data Science Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 3, pp. 1-4.
  2. One-Shot, Zero-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning in Machine Learning
    • Cite As: VAJROBOL V. (2023) One-Shot, Zero-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning in Machine Learning, Data Science Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 3, pp. 5-7.
  3. B-Trees and B+ Trees: Managing Large Datasets with Balanced Tree Structures
    • By: Ayushi
    • Cite As: Ayushi (2023) B-Trees and B+ Trees: Managing Large Datasets with Balanced Tree Structures, Data Science Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 3, pp. 8-12.
  4. Enhancing Identity Authentication in Quantum Networks
    • By: VAJRATIYA VAJROBOL, Ahmad Nur Badri, Ika Apriyanti
    • Cite As: VAJROBOL V, Badri A N, Apriyanti I. (2024) Enhancing Identity Authentication in Quantum Networks, Data Science Insights Magazine, Insights2Techinfo, Volume 3, pp. 13-16.

pp. 1-4

pp. 5-7

pp. 8-12

pp. 13-16