By: Soumya Sharma , Sunil K. Singh
Technology is tremendously transforming the way we work, where we work, and how we work. Even now, many billions of gadgets are intertwined with our daily lives. They are conversing with one another. They communicate with organizational data streams. And, increasingly, they affect and alter the environment in real time to provide results that were thought to be impossible only a few years back.
Communication between the Internet of Things devices, either directly or via cloud, is maturing fast. Simultaneously, sensors are becoming smaller, more efficient and cheaper, and data streams are becoming less antidotal and have easier access [1]. These developments, along with advances in data mining, software, machine learning, and AI provide a greater understanding of the link between facility and not only individual performance, but also organizational success.
What exactly is IoT?
The internet of things, or we can simply call it IoT, is intimately linked to many technological advancements or ideas, including ubiquitous computing and AI (Artificial Intelligence). One of the most crucial aspects of the IoT is that it has the ability to turn everyday things into devices. They are traceable by an IP (Internet Protocol) address, use sensors to track the state of objects, and store data on chips[2]. Because of the built-in microcomputers, they can regulate themselves, control their surroundings, and communicate data autonomously. Machine learning enables them to recognize and learn patterns, hence generalizing them so as to draw conclusions/results in order to adapt and suit to their environment and continuously improve for better enhancement.
Mini webcams, sensors, monitors, and metres measure and report on their environment. They detect motion, climatic conditions, luminosity and decibel levels and AQI among many other things. Also, they can monitor your health, maneuverability, location, routes traveled throughout space, and stress levels.
IoT has the capacity to improve and alter almost every aspect of our life. The potential of a more pleasant daily living, hence more impeccable economy and thus the administrative work. Adding on to it are safer roadways, a more environmentally friendly energy power source, a hygienic lifestyle is propelling its expansion and evolution. Mechanized coffee machines, demand-responsive industrial production and auto-pilot feature in vehicles— the possibilities and chances are endless.[5] Many tasks may be better organized using the data collected by the networked equipment.
Uses of IoT in the security world:
CCTV cameras can simply display and capture video footage; they can’t do much else. They can’t do anything about it since they don’t understand what they’re viewing. To successfully combat theft, violence, vandalism, or fire, cameras must be capable of detecting and interpreting such occurrences on their own [7]. They must also be able to communicate with different types of security systems. This is where the IoT gets some skin in the game. It transforms security monitoring into smart safety and security management by connecting cameras with devices and systems that conduct other duties.
The IoT security market is developing, and arrangements have advanced well past basic caution checking. For ventures that wish to safeguard their representatives, resources, and offices, CCTV and security capacities have helped perceivability [4]. By empowering both private and public associations to securely and remotely watch out for offices and public spots in real time with shrewd security and reconnaissance frameworks, the Internet of Things (IoT) is assisting with making urban communities, homes, and organizations more secure. You can enable building owners, organization managers, and security experts to manage and operate surveillance equipment remotely to monitor all parts of a facility by using the potential of IoT for your safety solutions[8]. Based on live security situations, one can make better judgments regarding the best course of action. It gets easier to determine whether or not there has been a false alert without having to personally investigate the place or summon law enforcement needlessly.
The future prospects of the IoT or as we say Internet of Things in the upcoming foreseeable future are quite promising. Increased network dexterity, combined Artificial Intelligence i.e. AI and also the ability to deploy that is to implement, automate, coordinate with other devices, and secure various use cases at big scale or hyper scale will definitely enhance advancements in the cyber industry. Like a sinusoidal wave, there is a downside to this as well. In 2016, the first IoT virus was detected which could connect all chip based devices. This resulted in a DDoS attack which flooded websites with unsolicited traffic. The assault flooded one of the world’s largest internet hosting firms, putting a number of famous websites having a high traffic rate to a standstill for many hours. This malware’s code could be edited by anyone. To paraphrase, it was “open-source”[9].
IoT is expected to hit 3.2 billion devices by the end of 2023. The paramount factor contributing to this rise in the use of this technology is the fifth-generation mobile network, popularly known as 5G. The launch of the 5G network is a colossal news for the IoT industry [8]. This is owing to the fact that 5G networks will improve performance and credibility of these linked devices many fold. Any IoT’s economic success is ultimately determined by its performance, which is determined by how rapidly it can connect with similar devices such as smartphones, apps, IoT based software or even the websites[3]. Data-transfer rates will considerably improve with 5G.
The internet of things can benefit from a variety of technologies. Despite the fact that there is no unified definition of IoT, the following qualities are usually connected with it and can be thought of to be the applications of IoT at the same time as well [10-16]:
- Collection, storage, and data processing. For example, Air conditioner changes its temperature with respect to the environment.
- Communication via clouds or directly
- Networking. For example, via Bluetooth
- Ubiquity
- Self-regulation: actions triggering a reaction automatically. For example, an electric water heater turns itself off automatically after water has reached the desired boiling point.
- Learning ability: a table lamp connected to the internet can alter its luminosity according to the surrounding environment.
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Soumya Sharma, Sunil K. Singh (2022), IoT and its uses in Security surveillance, Insights2Techinfo, pp.1
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