Risks and prevention of SQL Injection Attack

By: Arya Brijith, International Center for AI and Cyber Security Research and Innovations (CCRI), Asia University, Taiwan,sia University, Taiwan, arya.brijithk@gmail.com


Regarding cyber security, SQL injection is one of the most common and potentially catastrophic attacks on online databases and applications. This sneaky exploit targets databases, the beating heart of many systems, exploiting security holes in web applications to manipulate or extract sensitive data. It is essential to comprehend the nature of SQL injection attacks and implement strong prevention techniques to safeguard against this pervasive threat.

Figure 1: cover image

Keywords SQL injection, cybersecurity, threats, risks, prevention.


The growing dependence of businesses and individuals on web apps for many functionalities has made the vulnerabilities present in these programs a prime target for cybercriminals. One of the most common and destructive types of attacks is SQL injection, which takes advantage of flaws in the way programs handle user input. This allows hackers to enter databases and compromise the integrity and confidentiality of data. Investigating the subtleties of SQL injection and implementing proactive defense strategies are essential for preventing potential breaches and data compromises. Let us discuss further on this attack.

What is SQL (Structured Query language) injection attack?

A type of cyberattack known as SQL injection happens when malicious SQL code is inserted into a web application’s input fields. These injections alter the SQL queries that the application’s database executes, potentially granting attackers access to view, edit, or delete data as well as perform administrative operations inside the database.

Attackers introduce harmful SQL code into web sites by taking advantage of badly coded input validation mechanisms, such as login pages or search forms. Then, by deceiving the program into executing unauthorized SQL statements, this code allows unauthorized access to the database. For example, attackers can get around authentication or get sensitive data by carefully crafting SQL instructions to insert into login fields.

The Risks

  • Data breaches: It can result from attackers extracting sensitive data from databases, such as financial records, login credentials, personal information, or intellectual property.
  • Data manipulation or deletion: Malicious SQL instructions have the ability to alter or remove database records, leading to data loss or corruption. This may have a significant impact on businesses.
  • System compromise: SQL injection attacks can serve as a springboard for more sophisticated exploits, giving attackers unauthorized access to the host system or permitting the installation of malicious software.

Prevention methods

  • Validation of Input and Parameterized Questions: Enforce comprehensive input validation in web applications to guarantee that user inputs are cleansed and verified prior to being used in SQL queries. To prevent injection attacks, use prepared statements or parameterized queries to separate data from SQL instructions.
  • Data Escape from Input: Before utilizing potentially dangerous characters in user inputs, use specialized functions or libraries to escape and normalize them before using them in SQL queries.
  • Least Privilege Principle: Limit user privileges in databases to the absolute minimum necessary for the operation of the program, therefore lessening the effect of a successful attack.
  • Web Application Firewalls (WAF): Implement WAF solutions that include real-time detection and blocking capabilities for suspected SQL injection attempts.
  • Educating Developers: During the development of applications, educate developers on secure coding practices and the significance of input validation in preventing SQL injection vulnerabilities.


SQL injection attacks remain a serious threat to databases and web applications, underscoring the importance of proactive defense strategies. Through the implementation of stringent input validation, parameterized queries, frequent security audits, and developer education, businesses may greatly decrease their systems’ vulnerability to SQL injection attacks. To ensure the integrity and security of sensitive data stored in databases, defenses against this prevalent cybersecurity threat must be strengthened with diligence, best practices, and ongoing monitoring.


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Brijith A. (2023) Risks and prevention of SQL Injection Attack, Insights2Techinfo, pp.1

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