By: Achit Katiyar1
1 International Center for AI and Cyber Security Research and Innovations (CCRI), Asia University, Taiwan
Abstract: Sharing information from one end to another by using a satellite in orbits around the Earth is called the satellite communication. Satellite communication security is a part of space cyber security systems. It is very critical area of research because of the growing support on satellite networks for global communications. There are some applications of satellite communication like armed forces intelligence, navigation and position, weather forecasting, broadcasting, radio broadcasting and broadband internet services. Satellite communication is an efficient method for all distant communication application. To secure the satellite communication is still a major issue. This article provides a brief introduction, different kinds of attacks on satellite communication network, need of security for satellite communication, security concerns and challenges for the satellite communication.
There is an important role of satellite communication systems in all the global communications sectors like banking , defence , and other emergency sectors [1]. The communication which is responsible to share the information by using the communicating satellites from one end to another in the orbits around the Earth, called the satellite communication [2]. There are many examples of satellite communications like internet services, GPS navigation, radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, telephone services and military intelligence. Satcom is a vital tool in the provision of communication infrastructure in satellite systems, while it is still very insecure. As there is advancement in the satellite technology there are some weaknesses and thus the need to develop security. This article seeks to briefly review the existing security threats levelled at satellite communication systems and present the frequent attack types, main threatening performers, and protective measures employed on the present satellite info security stage. terrestrial-based
Security concerns in satellite communication
Security challenges of satellite communication have become more sensitive because satellite is fast becoming a significant source of connectivity between different nations. Different kinds of risks have been determined, challenging the society to provide adequate measures against possible risks [3].
In information sharing, the confidentiality and integrity are the main communication securities. If only suitable users have the access to the information, then called confidentiality. If there is no distortion in information or data, then called integrity. There can be two ways to secure the satellite communication; one is security over the satellite link and another is security to the satellites for commercial communication [4].
The following diagram shows the different kinds of attacks on satellite communication networks.

Taxonomy of Satellite communication security
Communication security in satellite networks is one of the vital research fields as most of the international communication requirements are met by satellite systems. Some current studies focus on different risks to some extent and suggest new effective approaches to improve protection.
Satellite systems have well-known security risks such as AcidRain and AcidPour which show a loophole in the existing architectures [6].
Propagation delays are very high and coverage has remained poor in Geostationary (GEO) systems, which makes security measures even more challenging [7].
- Proposed Security Solutions:
- It is worth mentioning that PLS techniques, like nulling-based approaches, are very efficient in combating the problem of eavesdropping [8].
- The compatibility of blockchain and QKD is ideal on the future satellite connections because of the advanced security shield for the data [9], [10].
Figure 2 shows the taxonomy of satellite communication security.

The overall security of satellite communication can be named as a tightly developed task, which may involve many directions of defence both military and civilian ones. As more societies depend on satellite systems for linkages, insecurity through interception of signals, jamming, spoofing, and cyber-attacks is real. Encryptions, authentication, anti-jamming features and emergence of new innovative techniques such as quantum encryption SATCOM and artificial intelligence-based solutions make SATCOM security outlook seem rather positive. The satellite technology is changing while the security reference frames remain the same.
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Cite As
Katiyar A. (2024) Satellite Communication Security: An overview, Insights2Techinfo, pp.1