IDPS (Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems) and its types

By: Arya Brijith, International Center for AI and Cyber Security Research and Innovations (CCRI), Asia University, Taiwan,sia University, Taiwan,

Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) are deemed indispensable protectors of network security in the constantly changing landscape of cyber security. The purpose of these systems is to keep an eye out for harmful activities or policy breaches within a network and take appropriate action. They are essential in protecting digital infrastructures from cyber threats. IDPS functions as a crucial component in the defense arsenal of contemporary enterprises, from identifying suspicious activities to stopping potential breaches.

Keywords Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, defense, cybersecurity


IDPS (Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems) are essential components of cybersecurity that keep an eye out for hostile activity or policy violations on networks or systems. They operate by observing network traffic and system activity for indications of unauthorized access, malicious activity, policy breaches, or other security risks.

What is IDPS?

It detects and alerts system or network administrators to potential security threats or policy breaches. This detection can be behavior-based, identifying anomalous behaviors that deviate from the expected baseline, or signature-based, searching for recognized patterns of malicious activity. It takes proactive measures to thwart or obstruct verified threats or malevolent activities. This might involvе rеconfiguring firеwalls, blocking spеcific IP addrеssеs, tеrminating suspicious connеctions, or taking othеr mеasurеs to prеvеnt thе dеtеctеd intrusion from causing harm.

Types of IDPS

1. IDPS on a Network Basis (NIDPS): NIDPS operates at the network layer, observing and analyzing network traffic, and examining packets to identify potential threats or anomalies. It monitors both inbound and outbound traffic, identifying questionable activities and triggering alerts or preventive measures.

2. Host-Based IDPS (HIDPS): HIDPS monitors activities within the host system while concentrating on specific hosts or devices. System logs, file integrity, and settings are examined to identify potentially suspicious activities, such as unauthorized file alterations or anomalous user behavior.

3. Hybrid IDPS: By fusing aspects of NIDPS and HIDPS, hybrid IDPS systems provide a comprehensive method of security for networks. They provide a more sophisticated and reliable defense mechanism by keeping an eye on both network traffic and the activities of specific hosts.

Figure: Types of IDPS


The ubiquitous guardians of cyber security, IDPS diligently monitors networks and systems to identify and stop potential breaches or policy infractions. Their function is essential in protecting digital infrastructures from the constantly changing range of cyber threats. These systems function as watchful guardians, quickly identifying anomalies, enabling behavior-based or signature-based detection, and taking proactive steps to neutralize identified threats, guaranteeing the resilience of modern enterprises in the face of dynamic cyber threats. The many types of intrusion detection systems (IDPS), ranging from network-based to host-based and hybrid, collectively offer a layer defense mechanism that highlights the importance of these systems in protecting networks from cyber threats.


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Brijith A. (2023) IDPS (Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems) and its types, Insights2Techinfo, pp.1

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