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Introduction to NoSQL

By A. Mishra

NoSQL is a database management system that has seen a recent rise in popularity. Essentially, NoSQL is a type of database that doesn’t use SQL, or Structured Query Language. This means that it is not as structured and easy to use for data storage and retrieval.

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL is a type of database where the data is organized in a different way from traditional relational databases. The term NoSQL means “Not Only SQL.” The idea behind NoSQL is to offer more flexibility while not impacting performance or scalability[1].

Examples of NoSQL Databases

In the past decade, new database technologies have emerged. These database technologies are sometimes referred to as NoSQL databases. They are designed for storing and retrieving lots of data that does not fit in a traditional database row or table. The most common types of NoSQL databases include MongoDB, Cassandra and HBase.

Types of NoSQL Database Systems

NoSQL databases are rapidly gaining in popularity. These databases don’t enforce schema or data integrity, which makes them more scalable and flexible for use in a production environment. NoSQL uses technologies such as JSON and maps to store large volumes of data efficiently. Document databases provide increased performance by caching documents in memory rather than on disk, but they are also not able to enforce schema or data integrity. Columnar databases combine the speed of document databases with the traditional functionality of relational databases. Columnar stores make it easier for queries to access the most frequently accessed columns first, so queries run faster and less disk space is used[2].

Pros and Cons of using a NoSQL Database System

NoSQL database systems are known for their speed and scalability. They also make it easier to store massive amounts of data with very little space, which is an important feature for those working in tech or who need to store a lot of data. However, these systems can be harder to manage, which makes them ideal for specific types of applications but not as useful in others[3].


NoSQL is a popular buzzword for the latest buzzword in computing, and one that has been around for quite some time. However, when it first started being used in the 1990s, it was primarily seen as a tool that allowed you to write efficient queries to access your data without having to worry about SQL. Today, noSQL is much more than just an efficient query language: there are many data stores with their own unique purpose. NoSQL provides companies with several options for storing different kinds of information that would otherwise be difficult to manage through traditional relational databases.


  1. Sahoo, S. R., & Gupta, B. B. (2021). Multiple features based approach for automatic fake news detection on social networks using deep learning. Applied Soft Computing, 100, 106983.
  2. Gupta, S., & Gugulothu, N. (2018). Secure NoSQL for the social networking and e-commerce based bigdata applications deployed in cloud. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC), 8(2), 113-129.
  3. Matallah, H., Belalem, G., & Bouamrane, K. (2020). Evaluation of NoSQL databases: MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase, Redis, Couchbase, OrientDB. International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI), 12(4), 71-91.


  • What is a NoSQL Database?

A NoSQL database is one that does not use relational tables to store data.

  • Is JSON a NoSQL?

NoSQL databases that store data in JSON or BSON documents are known as document databases.

  • What language is used to query NoSQL?

There are many different types and implementations of NoSQL databases. As a result, a wide range of query languages and APIs can be used to access NoSQL databases. The MongoDB Query Language can be used to query MongoDB, the most widely used NoSQL database (MQL).

  • What are the differences between NOSql and relational databases?
Relational DatabaseNoSQL
Handling the data coming in low velocityHandling the data coming in high velocity
Scalability for readingScalability for read and write
Manages structured dataManages all type of data
Supports complex transactionsSupports simple transactions
Single point of failureNo single point of failure
Handles low volume dataHandles high volume data
Deployed in vertical mannerDeployed in Horizontal manner

Cite this article

A. Mishra (2022) Introduction to NoSQL, Insghts2Techinfo, pp. 1

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