A new ranking from Stanford University features the world’s top 2% most influential scientists from all areas [1]. This list, compiled using Scopus citation information, is largely considered to be the most prestigious of its type. Professor John PA Loannidis and his research team at Stanford University compiled it [2]. This article will highlight the contributions of Taiwanese scientists to global progress and innovation. The results of the study, broken down by continent (Figure 1) and country (Figure 2) are shown below.

The scholarly connections of the chosen scholars are shown in Figure 3. Almost half of the world’s two percent most influential scientists work at UW, as seen in Figure 3. The topic analysis is shown in Figure 4. In Figure 4, we can see that “General and Internal Medicine” and “Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing” are the two most studied topics. Finally, figure 5 represetns top 25 ranked researchers.

- https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw
- https://profiles.stanford.edu/john-ioannidis