Cryptographic Algorithms for Enhanced Security

By: Achit Katiyar1,2

1South Asian University, New Delhi, India.

2International Center for AI and Cyber Security Research and Innovations, Asia University, Taiwan. Email:


Cryptographic algorithms are very important for ensuring data confidentiality, integrity and veracity in today’s digital environment The need for robust and efficient cryptographic solutions has only grown as online threats have become more sophisticated. This article describes a number of cryptographic algorithms, their application scope and challenges referred to in implementing them. It also discusses emerging trends and future directions in cryptographic research.


Cryptology is the science encrypting information to an unreadable format making it only accessible for those with correct decryption key [1]. Security of communications, data protection and privacy for digital transactions are fundamental requirements [2]. In this paper, various ideas and applications are discussed to improve the security using some major cryptographic algorithms.

Key Cryptographic Algorithms

  • Symmetrical Key Algorithms:

Because symmetric key methods use the identical secret for both encryption and decryption, they are very fast and practical to large sets of data [3] .

  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES):

AES is a well-known symmetric key technique for its robustness and speed [4]. One thing that should be noted is the AES algorithm offers three bit sizes (128, 192 and 256) to generate symmetric key of desired security level for different applications [5]. The AES Encryption procedure is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: Process of AES Encryption

  • Asymmetric Key Algorithms:

More specifically, Asymmetric key algorithms use a set of two keys – first is the public one that you can share with everyone for encryption and the second private key only accessible to your own side exclusively used for decrypting [6]. It is a needed for secure key exchange and digital signatures [3].

  • Rivest- Shamir-Adleman (RSA):

RSA is a basic asymmetric technique to ensure secure data transfer [7]. It involves the computational problems of finding enormous primary numbers.

  • Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC):

On the other hand, ECC has a higher security level compared to its classic RSA [8]. Counterpart given fewer key sizes. Good For Resource Constrained Environments – cell phones [9].

Cryptographic algorithmic challenges

  • Computational complexity:

In some cases, cryptographic techniques may need a lot of computing power, which could containe the challenges, for devices, with processing capabilities. Balancing the efficiency and security of these algorithms is a challenge [1].

  • Key management:

Proper management of encryption keys is crucial to protect the security of systems. Ensuring the safety of generation, distribution and storage poses challenges [2].

  • Resistant to quantum attacks:

There are challenges for encryption techniques with the development of quantum computing [10]. To confirm system security in the future, it is essential to generate algorithms strong to quantum attacks [11].

Emerging trends and future directions

  • Post-Quantum Cryptography:

Post quantum cryptography aims to create algorithms that are resilient against quantum threats [11]. As quantum computing progresses, research in this field will become increasingly important [12].

  • Homomorphic encryption:

Homomorphic encryption enables calculations on encrypted data without decryption, which improves privacy in cloud computing and data processing [13]. It shows potential in safe data analytics and machine learning.

  • Increasing the Privacy Element in the Smart Farming System:

Due to the limitation of resources in rural farming areas where Information Technology (IT) infrastructures may not be fully developed, optimization of data encryption mechanisms for data collected through different IoT devices is important particularly when the devices are in use as well as when stored. Besides, in areas that are likely to attract local network intrusions, deep levels of secure encoding make data practically decipherable to hostile entities [14], [15].


Securing information in today’s world deeply relies on techniques. While established methods like AES and RSA are technologies such, as post quantum cryptography and homomorphic encryption offer promising advancements. Enhancing security will require addressing challenges related to complexity key management and quantum flexibility.


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Katiyar A. (2024) Cryptographic Algorithms for Enhanced Security, Insights2Techinfo, pp.1

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