Spotlight on Scientific Influence: The 2023 Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers

The 2023 Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers list [1], a prestigious compilation of influential scientists and social scientists, reveals fascinating insights into the global landscape of high-impact research.

Global Reach and Influence

This year’s list features 7,125 designations, indicating a global representation of scientific excellence. The United States continues to lead with 37.5% of researchers, though this represents a slight decrease, signaling a shift towards a more globally diverse research landscape.

Emerging Research Hubs

Mainland China shows significant growth, now accounting for 17.9% of the list. This rise underscores the country’s increasing contribution to global research and innovation.

Figure 1: Highly Cited Researchers by country or region

Institutional Powerhouses

Notable institutions like the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Harvard University stand out for housing a significant number of these top-cited researchers, affirming their roles as leading centers of scientific inquiry.

Diverse Fields of Study

The list spans a wide array of research fields, from traditional areas like Biology and Chemistry to emerging domains such as Space Science and Computer Science, reflecting the evolving priorities and interests in global research.

Figure 2: Highly Cited Researchers by ESI field and cross-field category


The 2023 Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers list not only honors individual excellence but also highlights significant trends in global scientific research, showcasing a dynamic and increasingly interconnected global research community.


  1. Highly Cited Researchers
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