Using Scopus publication impact scores, experts from Stanford University have released a complete list of the top 2% world’s most influential scientists [1]. Prof. John PA Loannidis and his colleagues at Stanford University [2] compiled the study, which Elsevier then published. We previously analyzed the Stanford list by nation and technical topic. However, the list includes a significant number of researchers with nontechnical backgrounds. As a result, this article reviews all of the Stanford list’s studies from a business and marketing perspective. Figure 1 displays the nations from which the Stanford list includes business and marketing background research.

From Figure 1, we can say that most of the researchers from the USA are in the Stanford list with business and marketing backgrounds. In order to get more clarity on this topic, we compare the number of citations of the published papers of business and marketing background in figure 2. From figure 2, it is evident that most of the papers from the USA are referred by business and marketing researchers.

Along with academics from other countries, Indian researchers are demonstrating their worldwide footprint. The Stanford list includes scholars from six distinct Indian business schools. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the study of these institutions.

To get more details about the researchers in business and marketing scenarios, we present the top ten researchers in business and marketing background in the following tables.
Table 1: Top 10 researchers in the world of Business & Management domain
Name | Affiliation | Country | World Rank | Citations | Subject Rank | Subject |
Teece, David J. | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business | usa | 303 | 44008 | 1 | Business & Management |
Bakker, Arnold B. | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | nld | 541 | 49204 | 2 | Business & Management |
Porter, Michael E. | Harvard Business School | usa | 499 | 36018 | 3 | Business & Management |
Barney, Jay B. | The University of Utah | usa | 507 | 42570 | 4 | Business & Management |
Zahra, Shaker A. | Carlson School of Management | usa | 603 | 32113 | 5 | Business & Management |
Schaufeli, Wilmar B. | Utrecht University | nld | 980 | 50185 | 6 | Business & Management |
Shane, Scott | Case Western Reserve University | usa | 904 | 26537 | 7 | Business & Management |
Audretsch, David | Indiana University Bloomington | usa | 1035 | 24063 | 8 | Business & Management |
Miller, Danny | HEC Montréal | can | 927 | 22215 | 9 | Business & Management |
Spector, Paul E. | Muma College of Business | usa | 1175 | 23299 | 10 | Business & Management |
Table 2: Top 10 researchers in the world of Marketing domain
Name | Affiliation | Country | World Rank | Citations | Subject Rank | Subject |
Bagozzi, Richard P. | Stephen M. Ross School of Business | usa | 573 | 41316 | 1 | Marketing |
Grönroos, Christian | Hanken School of Economics | fin | 2545 | 14805 | 2 | Marketing |
Ariely, Dan | Duke University | usa | 4523 | 18183 | 3 | Marketing |
Wansink, Brian | Cornell University | usa | 5647 | 12895 | 4 | Marketing |
Steenkamp, Jan Benedict | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | usa | 5076 | 20225 | 5 | Marketing |
Vargo, Stephen L. | Shidler College of Business | usa | 5548 | 24756 | 6 | Marketing |
Parasuraman, A. | University of Miami | usa | 6408 | 23446 | 7 | Marketing |
Diamantopoulos, Adamantios | Universitat Wien | aut | 7356 | 14191 | 8 | Marketing |
Hult, G. Tomas M. | Broad College of Business | usa | 7513 | 20273 | 9 | Marketing |
Berry, Leonard L. | Mays Business School | usa | 7929 | 18277 | 10 | Marketing |
Table 3: Top Indian Researchers of Business & Management and Marketing Domain
Name | Affiliation | Country | World Rank | Citations | Subject Rank | Subject |
Kumar, Vikas | Indian School of Business | ind | 12683 | 12963 | 17 | Marketing |
Sushil, S. | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi | ind | 57085 | 2824 | 408 | Business & Management |
Vinodh, S. | National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli | ind | 57266 | 4109 | 464 | Business & Management |
Singh, Harbir | Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida | ind | 61168 | 18602 | 628 | Business & Management |
Srivastava, Samir K. | Indian Institute of Management Lucknow | ind | 86067 | 3189 | 834 | Business & Management |
Kumar, Nirmalya | Tata Sons | ind | 93103 | 5557 | 955 | Business & Management |
Name | Affiliation | Country | World Rank | Citations | Subject Rank | Subject |
Teece, David J. | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business | usa | 303 | 44008 | 1 | Business & Management |
Bagozzi, Richard P. | Stephen M. Ross School of Business | usa | 573 | 41316 | 1 | Marketing |
Bakker, Arnold B. | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | nld | 541 | 49204 | 2 | Business & Management |
Grönroos, Christian | Hanken School of Economics | fin | 2545 | 14805 | 2 | Marketing |
Porter, Michael E. | Harvard Business School | usa | 499 | 36018 | 3 | Business & Management |
Ariely, Dan | Duke University | usa | 4523 | 18183 | 3 | Marketing |
Barney, Jay B. | The University of Utah | usa | 507 | 42570 | 4 | Business & Management |
Wansink, Brian | Cornell University | usa | 5647 | 12895 | 4 | Marketing |
Zahra, Shaker A. | Carlson School of Management | usa | 603 | 32113 | 5 | Business & Management |
Steenkamp, Jan Benedict | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | usa | 5076 | 20225 | 5 | Marketing |
Schaufeli, Wilmar B. | Utrecht University | nld | 980 | 50185 | 6 | Business & Management |
Vargo, Stephen L. | Shidler College of Business | usa | 5548 | 24756 | 6 | Marketing |
Shane, Scott | Case Western Reserve University | usa | 904 | 26537 | 7 | Business & Management |
Parasuraman, A. | University of Miami | usa | 6408 | 23446 | 7 | Marketing |
Audretsch, David | Indiana University Bloomington | usa | 1035 | 24063 | 8 | Business & Management |
Diamantopoulos, Adamantios | Universitat Wien | aut | 7356 | 14191 | 8 | Marketing |
Miller, Danny | HEC Montréal | can | 927 | 22215 | 9 | Business & Management |
Hult, G. Tomas M. | Broad College of Business | usa | 7513 | 20273 | 9 | Marketing |
Spector, Paul E. | Muma College of Business | usa | 1175 | 23299 | 10 | Business & Management |
Berry, Leonard L. | Mays Business School | usa | 7929 | 18277 | 10 | Marketing |
Judge, Timothy A. | Fisher College of Business | usa | 1178 | 38569 | 11 | Business & Management |
Woodside, Arch G. | Curtin University | aus | 9287 | 8401 | 11 | Marketing |
Luo, Yadong | Miami Herbert Business School | usa | 1348 | 17187 | 12 | Business & Management |
Lusch, Robert | Eller College of Management | usa | 9469 | 24224 | 12 | Marketing |
Cooper, Robert G. | DeGroote School of Business | can | 1989 | 13322 | 13 | Business & Management |
Thøgersen, John | Aarhus Universitet | dnk | 9978 | 7115 | 13 | Marketing |
Rousseau, Denise M. | Tepper School of Business | usa | 2037 | 19599 | 14 | Business & Management |
Belk, Russell W. | Schulich School of Business | can | 10932 | 8285 | 14 | Marketing |
Peng, Mike W. | The Naveen Jindal School of Management | usa | 2360 | 21295 | 15 | Business & Management |
Verhoef, Peter C. | University of Groningen | nld | 11243 | 12928 | 15 | Marketing |
Locke, Edwin A. | University of Maryland, College Park | usa | 2238 | 23800 | 16 | Business & Management |
Henseler, Jörg | University of Twente | nld | 11976 | 18605 | 16 | Marketing |
Hambrick, Donald C. | Pennsylvania State University | usa | 2457 | 18384 | 17 | Business & Management |
Kumar, Vikas | Indian School of Business | ind | 12683 | 12963 | 17 | Marketing |
Wright, Mike | Imperial College Business School | gbr | 3578 | 31669 | 18 | Business & Management |
Aaker, Jennifer | Stanford University | usa | 12738 | 10732 | 18 | Marketing |
Baron, Robert A. | Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University | usa | 3065 | 13243 | 19 | Business & Management |
Cavusgil, S. Tamer | Georgia State University | usa | 13601 | 12728 | 19 | Marketing |
Edmondson, Amy C. | Harvard Business School | usa | 3128 | 17049 | 20 | Business & Management |
Payne, John W. | Fuqua School of Business | usa | 15519 | 9588 | 20 | Marketing |
Chesbrough, Henry | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business | usa | 3476 | 15484 | 21 | Business & Management |
Louviere, Jordan J. | LLC | usa | 18071 | 13453 | 21 | Marketing |
Shepherd, Dean A. | Mendoza College of Business | usa | 3997 | 17448 | 22 | Business & Management |
Rust, Roland T. | Robert H. Smith School of Business | usa | 16278 | 11909 | 22 | Marketing |
Alvesson, Mats | Lunds Universitet | aus | 3470 | 14257 | 23 | Business & Management |
Hunt, Shelby D. | Rawls College of Business | usa | 21698 | 6532 | 23 | Marketing |
Luthans, Fred | University of Nebraska–Lincoln | usa | 3887 | 21052 | 24 | Business & Management |
Kozinets, Robert V. | University of Southern California | usa | 16726 | 8265 | 24 | Marketing |
Avolio, Bruce J. | Foster School of Business | usa | 3818 | 27300 | 25 | Business & Management |
Roberts, John | The University of Sydney | aus | 18315 | 7609 | 25 | Marketing |
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. | Stanford University | usa | 3719 | 30890 | 26 | Business & Management |
Goldsmith, Ronald | Florida State University | usa | 19291 | 8713 | 26 | Marketing |
Schmidt, Frank L. | University of Iowa | usa | 4220 | 20588 | 27 | Business & Management |
Sheth, Jagdish N. | Goizueta Business School | usa | 19030 | 7577 | 27 | Marketing |
Hofstede, Geert | European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management | bel | 3958 | 12871 | 28 | Business & Management |
Luo, Xueming | Fox School of Business | usa | 18880 | 7267 | 28 | Marketing |
Hitt, Michael A. | Texas A&M University | usa | 4341 | 31066 | 29 | Business & Management |
Sarstedt, Marko | Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg | deu | 24367 | 29226 | 29 | Marketing |
Grant, Robert | Department of Management and Technology | 4410 | 20234 | 30 | Business & Management | |
Foxall, Gordon R. | Reykjavik University | isl | 39623 | 4605 | 30 | Marketing |
Foss, Nicolai J. | Copenhagen Business School | dnk | 5493 | 11837 | 31 | Business & Management |
Gummesson, Evert | Stockholm Business School | swe | 20201 | 4381 | 31 | Marketing |
Mumford, Michael D. | University of Oklahoma | usa | 7538 | 12132 | 32 | Business & Management |
Anderson, James C. | Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University | usa | 20629 | 27980 | 32 | Marketing |
Podsakoff, Philip M. | University of Florida | usa | 5026 | 69461 | 33 | Business & Management |
O'Cass, Aron | Macquarie Business School | aus | 23657 | 5823 | 33 | Marketing |
Ashforth, Blake E. | Arizona State University | usa | 5264 | 19209 | 34 | Business & Management |
Edvardsson, Bo | Karlstads Universitet | swe | 24513 | 6737 | 34 | Marketing |
Sonnentag, Sabine | Universität Mannheim | deu | 6236 | 12059 | 35 | Business & Management |
Harris, Lloyd C. | Birmingham Business School | gbr | 23281 | 6095 | 35 | Marketing |
Demerouti, Evangelia | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | nld | 6260 | 26938 | 36 | Business & Management |
Oliver, Richard L. | Owen Graduate School of Management | usa | 21964 | 7573 | 36 | Marketing |
Weick, Karl E. | University of Michigan | usa | 5308 | 10492 | 37 | Business & Management |
Hulland, John | Terry College of Business | usa | 22303 | 9083 | 37 | Marketing |
Willmott, Hugh | Cardiff University | gbr | 5811 | 10864 | 38 | Business & Management |
Pieters, Rik | Tilburg School of Economics and Management | nld | 23642 | 9612 | 38 | Marketing |
van Knippenberg, Daan | LeBow College of Business | usa | 7174 | 15312 | 39 | Business & Management |
Zeithaml, Valarie A. | UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School | usa | 23102 | 16483 | 39 | Marketing |
Gulati, Ranjay | Harvard Business School | usa | 5879 | 17794 | 40 | Business & Management |
Thompson, Craig J. | University of Wisconsin-Madison | usa | 25086 | 7082 | 40 | Marketing |
Antony, Jiju | Heriot-Watt University | gbr | 7300 | 10270 | 41 | Business & Management |
Dhar, Ravi | Yale School of Management | usa | 24821 | 6897 | 41 | Marketing |
Birkinshaw, Julian | London Business School | gbr | 6022 | 17206 | 42 | Business & Management |
Hair, Joe F. | University of South Alabama | usa | 25156 | 20891 | 42 | Marketing |
Child, John | Birmingham Business School | gbr | 6501 | 10256 | 43 | Business & Management |
Keller, Kevin Lane | Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth | usa | 23811 | 6470 | 43 | Marketing |
Allen, Tammy D. | University of South Florida, Tampa | usa | 6663 | 12986 | 44 | Business & Management |
Malhotra, Naresh K. | University of Johannesburg | zaf | 26107 | 8489 | 44 | Marketing |
Edwards, Jeffrey R. | UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School | usa | 6277 | 13409 | 45 | Business & Management |
Johnson, Eric J. | Columbia University | usa | 25992 | 12700 | 45 | Marketing |
Burke, Ronald J. | Schulich School of Business | can | 7106 | 8688 | 46 | Business & Management |
Grewal, Dhruv | Babson College | usa | 28738 | 18213 | 46 | Marketing |
Feldman, Daniel C. | Terry College of Business | usa | 6950 | 12768 | 47 | Business & Management |
Leonidou, Leonidas C. | University of Cyprus | cyp | 28320 | 5553 | 47 | Marketing |
Schneider, Benjamin | University of Maryland, College Park | usa | 6839 | 12737 | 48 | Business & Management |
Holbrook, Morris B. | Columbia Business School | usa | 31795 | 6038 | 48 | Marketing |
Williams, Colin C. | Sheffield University Management School | gbr | 23016 | 4618 | 49 | Business & Management |
Yi, Youjae | Seoul National University | kor | 27666 | 18468 | 49 | Marketing |
George, Jennifer M. | Jones Graduate School of Business | usa | 7124 | 12880 | 50 | Business & Management |
Balmer, John M.T. | Brunel Business School | gbr | 36953 | 3605 | 50 | Marketing |
Buckley, Peter J. | Leeds University Business School | gbr | 9168 | 9713 | 51 | Business & Management |
Bolton, Ruth N. | W. P. Carey School of Business | usa | 30535 | 8312 | 51 | Marketing |
Colquitt, Jason A. | Terry College of Business | usa | 7482 | 15235 | 52 | Business & Management |
Roberts, James A. | Hankamer School of Business | usa | 28847 | 5625 | 52 | Marketing |
Bontis, Nick | DeGroote School of Business | can | 9266 | 9727 | 53 | Business & Management |
Homburg, Christian | Universität Mannheim | deu | 29741 | 11857 | 53 | Marketing |
Grant, Adam M. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 7786 | 10141 | 54 | Business & Management |
Hollebeek, Linda D. | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool | est | 36978 | 6510 | 54 | Marketing |
Guest, David E. | King’s Business School | gbr | 7631 | 8414 | 55 | Business & Management |
Knight, Gary | Willamette University | usa | 29926 | 7306 | 55 | Marketing |
Baruch, Yehuda | University of Southampton | gbr | 9506 | 8269 | 56 | Business & Management |
Tellis, Gerard J. | USC Marshall School of Business | 30864 | 7448 | 56 | Marketing | |
Winter, Sidney G. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 7942 | 14367 | 57 | Business & Management |
Simonson, Itamar | Stanford Graduate School of Business | usa | 30786 | 7063 | 57 | Marketing |
Kaplan, R. | Harvard Business School | usa | 8209 | 14082 | 58 | Business & Management |
Laroche, Michel | John Molson School of Business | can | 33472 | 8956 | 58 | Marketing |
Ferris, Gerald R. | Florida State University | usa | 10924 | 14143 | 59 | Business & Management |
Arnould, Eric | Aalto University | fin | 32932 | 7401 | 59 | Marketing |
Sterman, John | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | usa | 8402 | 8299 | 60 | Business & Management |
Singh, Jagdip | Case Western Reserve University | usa | 31824 | 7187 | 60 | Marketing |
March, James G. | Stanford University | usa | 8100 | 14584 | 61 | Business & Management |
Johnston, Robert | Warwick Business School | gbr | 32711 | 4156 | 61 | Marketing |
Aguinis, Herman | The George Washington University | usa | 10476 | 12425 | 62 | Business & Management |
Fournier, Susan | Boston University | usa | 33703 | 7656 | 62 | Marketing |
Cooper, Cary L. | Alliance Manchester Business School | gbr | 10039 | 17967 | 63 | Business & Management |
Zhou, Kevin Zheng | The University of Hong Kong | hkg | 33489 | 8321 | 63 | Marketing |
Davenport, Thomas | Babson College | usa | 8326 | 8931 | 64 | Business & Management |
Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | deu | 33996 | 9432 | 64 | Marketing |
Harzing, Anne Wil | Middlesex University | gbr | 8979 | 7714 | 65 | Business & Management |
Berger, Jonah | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 33962 | 5807 | 65 | Marketing |
Frese, Michael | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg | deu | 10065 | 15698 | 66 | Business & Management |
Mitchell, Vincent Wayne | The University of Sydney Business School | aus | 32752 | 4312 | 66 | Marketing |
Pfeffer, Jeffrey | Stanford Graduate School of Business | usa | 8468 | 11050 | 67 | Business & Management |
Wedel, Michel | Robert H. Smith School of Business | usa | 35728 | 9367 | 67 | Marketing |
Greve, Henrich R. | INSEAD, Singapore | sgp | 9338 | 9366 | 68 | Business & Management |
Bitner, Mary Jo | W. P. Carey School of Business | usa | 34345 | 10577 | 68 | Marketing |
Tsang, Eric W.K. | The Naveen Jindal School of Management | usa | 9373 | 8373 | 69 | Business & Management |
Rossiter, John R. | Charles Sturt University | aus | 39889 | 5062 | 69 | Marketing |
Kogut, Bruce | Columbia Business School | usa | 8920 | 12685 | 70 | Business & Management |
Peterson, Robert A. | The University of Texas at Austin | usa | 35073 | 5620 | 70 | Marketing |
Ghoshal, Sumantra | London Business School | gbr | 8937 | 21038 | 71 | Business & Management |
Jap, Sandy D. | Goizueta Business School | usa | 35943 | 5114 | 71 | Marketing |
Leiter, Michael P. | Deakin University | aus | 10125 | 17130 | 72 | Business & Management |
Iacobucci, Dawn | Owen Graduate School of Management | usa | 36395 | 5383 | 72 | Marketing |
Bass, Bernard M. | Louisiana State University | usa | 9273 | 11140 | 73 | Business & Management |
Chintagunta, Pradeep | The University of Chicago Booth School of Business | usa | 38290 | 5432 | 73 | Marketing |
Kolk, Ans | Universiteit van Amsterdam | nld | 10053 | 7977 | 74 | Business & Management |
Shankar, Venkatesh | Mays Business School | usa | 39913 | 8185 | 74 | Marketing |
Leung, Kwok | Chinese University of Hong Kong | hkg | 10927 | 11635 | 75 | Business & Management |
Beverland, Michael B. | University of Sussex | usa | 39269 | 3632 | 75 | Marketing |
Schmitt, Neal | Michigan State University | usa | 9977 | 10697 | 76 | Business & Management |
Wirtz, Jochen | NUS Business School | sgp | 42559 | 5143 | 76 | Marketing |
Hagedoorn, John | Royal Holloway, University of London | gbr | 10167 | 9037 | 77 | Business & Management |
Patterson, Paul G. | UNSW Business School | tha | 40294 | 4921 | 77 | Marketing |
Neely, Andy | University of Cambridge | gbr | 9987 | 12794 | 78 | Business & Management |
Griffith, David A. | Mays Business School | usa | 40009 | 6175 | 78 | Marketing |
Siegel, Donald S. | Arizona State University | usa | 10748 | 19664 | 79 | Business & Management |
Krishna, Aradhna | University of Michigan | usa | 42057 | 4048 | 79 | Marketing |
Mintzberg, Henry | Université McGill | ita | 9585 | 8276 | 80 | Business & Management |
Swait, Joffre | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | nld | 43072 | 6100 | 80 | Marketing |
Treviño, Linda Klebe | Pennsylvania State University | usa | 10034 | 20445 | 81 | Business & Management |
Kandampully, Jay | The Ohio State University | usa | 40373 | 4710 | 81 | Marketing |
Latham, Gary P. | Rotman School of Management | can | 12494 | 13947 | 82 | Business & Management |
Morgan, Neil A. | Kelley School of Business | usa | 42088 | 6535 | 82 | Marketing |
Meyer, Klaus E. | Ivey Business School | can | 11195 | 8444 | 83 | Business & Management |
Shoham, Aviv | University of Haifa | isr | 42449 | 3746 | 83 | Marketing |
van de Ven, Andrew | Carlson School of Management | usa | 9886 | 10852 | 84 | Business & Management |
Baumgartner, Hans | Penn State Smeal College of Business | usa | 40751 | 9569 | 84 | Marketing |
Seuring, Stefan | Universität Kassel | deu | 11273 | 10686 | 85 | Business & Management |
Dholakia, Utpal M. | Jones Graduate School of Business | usa | 41114 | 7732 | 85 | Marketing |
Meyer, John P. | The University of Western Ontario | can | 11328 | 26179 | 86 | Business & Management |
Bennett, Roger | Kingston Business School | gbr | 43517 | 2634 | 86 | Marketing |
Feldman, Maryann | UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School | usa | 11755 | 11090 | 87 | Business & Management |
Bhattacharya, C. B. | Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business | usa | 41327 | 12485 | 87 | Marketing |
Davidsson, Per | Jönköping International Business School | swe | 12125 | 9960 | 88 | Business & Management |
Pham, Michel Tuan | Columbia University | usa | 43393 | 4191 | 88 | Marketing |
Mathieu, John E. | University of Connecticut | usa | 12005 | 18703 | 89 | Business & Management |
de Ruyter, Ko | King’s Business School | gbr | 43167 | 10337 | 89 | Marketing |
Frone, Michael R. | University at Buffalo, The State University of New York | usa | 12333 | 10229 | 90 | Business & Management |
Mostafa, Mohamed M. | Gulf University for Science and Technology Kuwait | kwt | 43532 | 2324 | 90 | Marketing |
Saks, Alan M. | University of Toronto | can | 11969 | 7635 | 91 | Business & Management |
Rothschild, Michael L. | Wisconsin School of Business | usa | 42049 | 6113 | 91 | Marketing |
Hunter, John E. | Michigan State University | usa | 12113 | 11728 | 92 | Business & Management |
Brodie, Roderick J. | The University of Auckland Business School | nzl | 46470 | 7662 | 92 | Marketing |
Mowery, David C. | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business | usa | 11820 | 9197 | 93 | Business & Management |
Okazaki, Shintaro | King’s Business School | gbr | 44943 | 2694 | 93 | Marketing |
Tjosvold, Dean | Lingnan University, Hong Kong | hkg | 17496 | 5966 | 94 | Business & Management |
Dabholkar, Pratibha A. | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville | usa | 42851 | 5631 | 94 | Marketing |
Mathews, John A. | Macquarie University | aus | 13443 | 5787 | 95 | Business & Management |
Palmatier, Robert W. | Foster School of Business | usa | 45769 | 6790 | 95 | Marketing |
Levinthal, Daniel A. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 11769 | 12483 | 96 | Business & Management |
Gebauer, Heiko | Linköpings universitet | che | 47970 | 4225 | 96 | Marketing |
Parker, Sharon K. | Curtin University | aus | 13547 | 9590 | 97 | Business & Management |
Shrum, L. J. | École des hautes études commerciales de Paris | fra | 51746 | 4377 | 97 | Marketing |
George, Gerard | Singapore Management University | sgp | 12632 | 15130 | 98 | Business & Management |
Lehmann, Donald R. | Columbia University | usa | 48305 | 8298 | 98 | Marketing |
Rugman, Alan M. | Dalhousie University | can | 14535 | 7096 | 99 | Business & Management |
Hill, Ronald Paul | Kogod School of Business | usa | 58623 | 3868 | 99 | Marketing |
Suddaby, Roy | Washington State University Pullman | usa | 13213 | 12083 | 100 | Business & Management |
Donthu, Naveen | Georgia State University | usa | 47622 | 9182 | 100 | Marketing |
Lin, Hsiu Fen | National Taiwan Ocean University | twn | 12334 | 5978 | 101 | Business & Management |
Katsikeas, Constantine S. | Leeds University Business School | gbr | 49268 | 6367 | 101 | Marketing |
James, Lawrence R. | Georgia Institute of Technology | usa | 12961 | 12274 | 102 | Business & Management |
Chernev, Alexander | Northwestern University | usa | 49506 | 2453 | 102 | Marketing |
Brown, Andrew D. | University of Bath | gbr | 14311 | 6127 | 103 | Business & Management |
Piercy, Nigel F. | NPC Associates | gbr | 52662 | 3129 | 103 | Marketing |
Adler, Paul S. | USC Marshall School of Business | usa | 12816 | 10250 | 104 | Business & Management |
de Chernatony, Leslie | Aston Business School | gbr | 50332 | 4512 | 104 | Marketing |
Carroll, Archie B. | University of Georgia | usa | 13001 | 9301 | 105 | Business & Management |
Sharma, Arun | Miami Herbert Business School | usa | 54694 | 4282 | 105 | Marketing |
Carmeli, Abraham | Tel Aviv University | isr | 14649 | 6941 | 106 | Business & Management |
Lindgreen, Adam | Gordon Institute of Business Science | zaf | 55397 | 5059 | 106 | Marketing |
Pettigrew, Andrew | School of Business, Economics and Informatics | gbr | 13552 | 6836 | 107 | Business & Management |
Holt, Douglas | Syddansk Universitet | dnk | 50051 | 4119 | 107 | Marketing |
Zohar, Dov | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | isr | 14107 | 7351 | 108 | Business & Management |
Palmer, Adrian | Henley Business School | gbr | 50575 | 3464 | 108 | Marketing |
Jehn, Karen A. | Melbourne Business School | aus | 15006 | 10389 | 109 | Business & Management |
Dowling, Grahame | University of Technology Sydney | aus | 54393 | 3668 | 109 | Marketing |
Grandey, Alicia A. | Pennsylvania State University | usa | 14184 | 9586 | 110 | Business & Management |
Bayus, Barry | UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School | usa | 56802 | 3380 | 110 | Marketing |
Langley, Ann | HEC Montréal | can | 14120 | 8799 | 111 | Business & Management |
Brown, Stephen | Ulster University Business School | gbr | 58202 | 2547 | 111 | Marketing |
Powell, Walter W. | The University of Arizona | usa | 13965 | 13207 | 112 | Business & Management |
Möller, Kristian | Aalto University | fin | 58977 | 3480 | 112 | Marketing |
West, Michael | Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University Management School | gbr | 15163 | 10601 | 113 | Business & Management |
Babin, Barry J. | University of Mississippi | usa | 56536 | 5903 | 113 | Marketing |
Ellram, Lisa M. | Miami University | usa | 14355 | 7789 | 114 | Business & Management |
Varadarajan, Rajan | Texas A&M University | usa | 55461 | 3977 | 114 | Marketing |
Gomez-Mejia, Luis R. | Arizona State University | usa | 15576 | 13610 | 115 | Business & Management |
Zinkhan, George M. | University of Georgia | usa | 56233 | 5230 | 115 | Marketing |
Voss, Chris | Warwick Business School | gbr | 15295 | 9069 | 116 | Business & Management |
Schmitt, Bernd H. | Columbia Business School | usa | 56806 | 4693 | 116 | Marketing |
Lievens, Filip | Singapore Management University | sgp | 18894 | 7394 | 117 | Business & Management |
Moorman, Christine | Duke University | usa | 56148 | 6666 | 117 | Marketing |
Leonardi, Paul | University of California, Santa Barbara | usa | 15457 | 5906 | 118 | Business & Management |
Sheehan, Kim | University of Oregon | usa | 56067 | 3083 | 118 | Marketing |
Bansal, Pratima | The University of Western Ontario | can | 15334 | 8496 | 119 | Business & Management |
Taylor, Charles R.“Ray” | Villanova University | usa | 65517 | 3244 | 119 | Marketing |
Gioia, Denny | Pennsylvania State University | usa | 15144 | 13663 | 120 | Business & Management |
Kamakura, Wagner A. | Jones Graduate School of Business | usa | 58223 | 5051 | 120 | Marketing |
Acs, Zoltan J. | George Mason University, Arlington Campus | usa | 16305 | 12061 | 121 | Business & Management |
Gwinner, Kevin P. | Kansas State University | usa | 58601 | 9436 | 121 | Marketing |
Gereffi, Gary | Duke University | usa | 15341 | 9001 | 122 | Business & Management |
Gremler, Dwayne D. | Bowling Green State University | usa | 57846 | 8149 | 122 | Marketing |
Warr, Peter B. | The University of Sheffield | gbr | 15574 | 6530 | 123 | Business & Management |
Cronin, J. Joseph | Florida State University | usa | 59629 | 8161 | 123 | Marketing |
Ireland, R. Duane | Mays Business School | usa | 16137 | 16571 | 124 | Business & Management |
Hauser, John R. | MIT Sloan School of Management | usa | 62387 | 4117 | 124 | Marketing |
Tsui, Anne S. | University of Notre Dame | usa | 16390 | 9376 | 125 | Business & Management |
Walsh, Gianfranco | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | deu | 64536 | 6861 | 125 | Marketing |
Malerba, Franco | Università Bocconi | ita | 16636 | 7119 | 126 | Business & Management |
Olsen, Svein Ottar | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | nor | 64250 | 2619 | 126 | Marketing |
Harrison, David A. | The University of Texas at Austin | usa | 15344 | 15489 | 127 | Business & Management |
Erdem, Tülin | Leonard N. Stern School of Business | 62383 | 4388 | 127 | Marketing | |
Tsoukas, Haridimos | University of Warwick | gbr | 16146 | 7426 | 128 | Business & Management |
Polonsky, Michael | Deakin Business School | aus | 66066 | 3246 | 128 | Marketing |
Yukl, Gary | State University of New York Albany | usa | 16383 | 6455 | 129 | Business & Management |
Rigdon, Edward E. | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | usa | 66480 | 4298 | 129 | Marketing |
Eisenberger, Robert | University of Houston | usa | 16620 | 18053 | 130 | Business & Management |
Chan, Ricky Y.K. | Auckland University of Technology | nzl | 61942 | 2937 | 130 | Marketing |
Min, Hokey | Bowling Green State University | usa | 17102 | 6424 | 131 | Business & Management |
Samiee, Saeed | Collins College of Business | usa | 63483 | 2962 | 131 | Marketing |
von Krogh, Georg | ETH Zürich | che | 16596 | 9994 | 132 | Business & Management |
Yavas, Ugur | East Tennessee State University | usa | 68568 | 3581 | 132 | Marketing |
DYER, JEFF | Brigham Young University | usa | 15900 | 16544 | 133 | Business & Management |
Eisend, Martin | Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) | deu | 65198 | 2325 | 133 | Marketing |
Taris, Toon W. | Utrecht University | nld | 18320 | 11422 | 134 | Business & Management |
Ford, David | KEDGE Business School | fra | 66386 | 3067 | 134 | Marketing |
Ployhart, Robert E. | Darla Moore School of Business | usa | 18901 | 8586 | 135 | Business & Management |
Ulaga, Wolfgang | INSEAD, Europe | fra | 67001 | 4534 | 135 | Marketing |
Nooteboom, Bart | Tilburg University | nld | 18125 | 6146 | 136 | Business & Management |
Mick, David Glen | University of Virginia | usa | 64309 | 3945 | 136 | Marketing |
Inkpen, Andrew C. | Thunderbird School of Global Management | usa | 16534 | 8378 | 137 | Business & Management |
Ambler, Tim | London Business School | gbr | 63586 | 3852 | 137 | Marketing |
Wright, Patrick M. | University of South Carolina | usa | 17538 | 14185 | 138 | Business & Management |
Ramaswamy, Venkat | Stephen M. Ross School of Business | usa | 64762 | 6542 | 138 | Marketing |
Westhead, Paul | Durham University Business School | gbr | 19087 | 8144 | 139 | Business & Management |
Soman, Dilip | Rotman School of Management | 66312 | 2651 | 139 | Marketing | |
Sackett, Paul R. | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | usa | 19280 | 8252 | 140 | Business & Management |
Bruwer, Johan | UniSA Business | aus | 75309 | 2835 | 140 | Marketing |
Dana, Léo Paul | Montpellier Business School | fra | 23261 | 5533 | 141 | Business & Management |
Ladhari, Riadh | Université Laval | can | 63603 | 2475 | 141 | Marketing |
Lounsbury, Michael | University of Alberta | can | 18507 | 7600 | 142 | Business & Management |
Chang, Chingching | Academia Sinica, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences | twn | 76395 | 1495 | 142 | Marketing |
Morrison, Elizabeth | Stern College | usa | 17415 | 9428 | 143 | Business & Management |
Menguc, Bulent | Kadir Has Üniversitesi | tur | 63776 | 4737 | 143 | Marketing |
Narasimhan, Ram | Broad College of Business | usa | 17826 | 8641 | 144 | Business & Management |
Fitzsimons, Gavan | Duke University | usa | 69415 | 4560 | 144 | Marketing |
Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku | Nobel International Business School | gha | 17545 | 7162 | 145 | Business & Management |
Wakefield, Kirk | Baylor University | usa | 67353 | 4108 | 145 | Marketing |
Freeman, R. Edward | University of Virginia | usa | 18531 | 9139 | 146 | Business & Management |
Huarng, Kun Huang | National Taipei University of Business | twn | 76848 | 2657 | 146 | Marketing |
Argote, Linda | Tepper School of Business | usa | 18781 | 8902 | 147 | Business & Management |
Cornwell, T. Bettina | Lundquist College of Business | usa | 72737 | 3756 | 147 | Marketing |
Organ, Dennis W. | Kelley School of Business | usa | 17737 | 18643 | 148 | Business & Management |
Lynch, John | Leeds School of Business | usa | 67920 | 10935 | 148 | Marketing |
Mudambi, Ram | Fox School of Business | usa | 20826 | 7097 | 149 | Business & Management |
Lilien, Gary | Penn State Smeal College of Business | usa | 68844 | 4683 | 149 | Marketing |
Gherardi, Silvia | Università di Trento | ita | 19907 | 5501 | 150 | Business & Management |
Lee, Angela Y. | Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University | usa | 71070 | 5165 | 150 | Marketing |
Volberda, Henk W. | Universiteit van Amsterdam | nld | 19797 | 11716 | 151 | Business & Management |
Cova, Bernard | KEDGE Business School | fra | 73045 | 3801 | 151 | Marketing |
Cropanzano, Russell | University of Colorado Boulder | usa | 18912 | 15379 | 152 | Business & Management |
Ritter, Thomas | Copenhagen Business School | dnk | 70336 | 4278 | 152 | Marketing |
Covin, Jeffrey G. | Kelley School of Business | usa | 19619 | 13486 | 153 | Business & Management |
Jin, S. Venus | Northwestern University in Qatar | qat | 75343 | 2264 | 153 | Marketing |
Wagner, Stephan M. | ETH Zürich | che | 19385 | 6423 | 154 | Business & Management |
Rosenbaum, Mark S. | Saint Xavier University | usa | 82918 | 2474 | 154 | Marketing |
Halbesleben, Jonathon | The University of Alabama | usa | 19515 | 7479 | 155 | Business & Management |
Payne, Adrian | UNSW Sydney | aus | 71196 | 5727 | 155 | Marketing |
Fritsch, Michael | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | deu | 22065 | 5248 | 156 | Business & Management |
Hakansson, Hakan | Handelshøyskolen BI | nor | 70253 | 3750 | 156 | Marketing |
Spreitzer, Gretchen M. | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | usa | 18956 | 7609 | 157 | Business & Management |
Kahn, Barbara E. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 72568 | 4503 | 157 | Marketing |
Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne | Universitetet i Bergen | nor | 22275 | 7435 | 158 | Business & Management |
Stern, Barbara B. | Marketing Department at Rutgers Business School | usa | 72276 | 2047 | 158 | Marketing |
Christensen, Clayton | University of Oxford | gbr | 18832 | 8670 | 159 | Business & Management |
Danaher, Peter J. | Monash University | aus | 75839 | 2766 | 159 | Marketing |
Hackman, J. Richard | Harvard University | usa | 19289 | 10858 | 160 | Business & Management |
Batra, Rajeev | Stephen M. Ross School of Business | usa | 72209 | 6051 | 160 | Marketing |
Cortina, Jose M. | Virginia Commonwealth University | usa | 19938 | 8033 | 161 | Business & Management |
Bettman, James R. | Duke University | usa | 71965 | 8481 | 161 | Marketing |
Carter, Craig | W. P. Carey School of Business | usa | 21242 | 7965 | 162 | Business & Management |
Sen, Sankar | Baruch College | usa | 72987 | 10414 | 162 | Marketing |
Johns, Gary | The University of British Columbia | can | 21643 | 5178 | 163 | Business & Management |
Rossi, Peter E. | UCLA Anderson School of Management | usa | 74980 | 4704 | 163 | Marketing |
Hall, Douglas T. | Questrom School of Business | usa | 20459 | 6456 | 164 | Business & Management |
Melewar, T. C. | Middlesex University | gbr | 87936 | 3247 | 164 | Marketing |
Westphal, James D. | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | usa | 20473 | 8457 | 165 | Business & Management |
Pauwels, Koen | D'Amore-McKim School of Business | usa | 85583 | 4609 | 165 | Marketing |
Bryman, Alan | University of Leicester School of Business | gbr | 21116 | 5105 | 166 | Business & Management |
Janiszewski, Chris | University of Florida | usa | 77667 | 4389 | 166 | Marketing |
Christopher, Martin | Cranfield School of Management | gbr | 20139 | 8262 | 167 | Business & Management |
Rindfleisch, Aric | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | usa | 75024 | 5962 | 167 | Marketing |
Sarasvathy, Saras D. | Darden School of Business | usa | 21015 | 7271 | 168 | Business & Management |
Chebat, Jean Charles | HEC Montréal | jpn | 79602 | 5107 | 168 | Marketing |
Scandura, Terri A. | Miami Herbert Business School | usa | 20720 | 7760 | 169 | Business & Management |
Shavitt, Sharon | Gies College of Business | usa | 83194 | 3678 | 169 | Marketing |
Pratt, Michael G. | Boston College | usa | 21518 | 7714 | 170 | Business & Management |
John, Deborah Roedder | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | usa | 75845 | 3596 | 170 | Marketing |
Hardy, Cynthia | University of Melbourne | aus | 21253 | 9983 | 171 | Business & Management |
Inman, J. Jeffrey | Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business | usa | 77876 | 4809 | 171 | Marketing |
Stuart, Toby | University of California, Berkeley | usa | 20581 | 10148 | 172 | Business & Management |
Taylor, Shirley | The Stephen J. R. Smith School of Business | can | 75044 | 8819 | 172 | Marketing |
Lichtenthaler, Ulrich | International School of Management (ISM) | deu | 21168 | 4446 | 173 | Business & Management |
Anderson, Eugene W. | Stephen M. Ross School of Business | usa | 76381 | 6530 | 173 | Marketing |
Clegg, Stewart | University of Technology Sydney | aus | 23924 | 6629 | 174 | Business & Management |
Chandon, Pierre | INSEAD, Europe | fra | 81465 | 3996 | 174 | Marketing |
Chrisman, James J. | Mississippi State University | usa | 23122 | 11215 | 175 | Business & Management |
Chan, Kara | Hong Kong Baptist University | hkg | 84834 | 1719 | 175 | Marketing |
Barley, Stephen R. | University of California, Santa Barbara | usa | 20167 | 8429 | 176 | Business & Management |
Di Benedetto, C. Anthony | Fox School of Business | usa | 82685 | 4079 | 176 | Marketing |
Ketchen, David J. | Auburn University | usa | 21821 | 18494 | 177 | Business & Management |
Pitt, Leyland | Beedie School of Business | can | 82633 | 7884 | 177 | Marketing |
Shamir, Boas | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | isr | 20586 | 6750 | 178 | Business & Management |
Dant, Rajiv P. | University of Oklahoma | usa | 86947 | 4827 | 178 | Marketing |
Aquino, Karl | UBC Sauder School of Business | can | 21605 | 9421 | 179 | Business & Management |
Campbell, Margaret C. | Leeds School of Business | usa | 77897 | 2997 | 179 | Marketing |
Campion, Michael A. | Krannert School of Management | usa | 22053 | 9764 | 180 | Business & Management |
Brown, James R. | West Virginia University | usa | 81083 | 5390 | 180 | Marketing |
Rynes, Sara L. | University of Iowa | usa | 21450 | 10110 | 181 | Business & Management |
Maignan, Isabelle | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | nld | 80259 | 4936 | 181 | Marketing |
Rao, Hayagreeva | Stanford University | usa | 21313 | 6715 | 182 | Business & Management |
Raghubir, Priya | Leonard N. Stern School of Business | usa | 83815 | 2943 | 182 | Marketing |
Khanna, Tarun | Harvard Business School | usa | 21251 | 9907 | 183 | Business & Management |
Moutinho, Luiz | University of Suffolk | gbr | 83050 | 2652 | 183 | Marketing |
Banerjee, Subhabrata Bobby | University of London | gbr | 22397 | 4493 | 184 | Business & Management |
Ferrell, O. C. | Raymond J. Harbert College of Business | usa | 81793 | 6923 | 184 | Marketing |
Beehr, Terry A. | Central Michigan University | usa | 22443 | 8257 | 185 | Business & Management |
Dubinsky, Alan J. | Purdue University | usa | 84801 | 3387 | 185 | Marketing |
Hansen, Morten T. | University of California, Berkeley | usa | 20835 | 10717 | 186 | Business & Management |
Quester, Pascale G. | Swinburne University of Technology | aus | 86193 | 4189 | 186 | Marketing |
Whittington, Richard | University of Oxford | gbr | 23983 | 5111 | 187 | Business & Management |
Dahl, Darren W. | The University of British Columbia | can | 80482 | 5653 | 187 | Marketing |
Kelloway, E. Kevin | Saint Mary's University | can | 23361 | 9525 | 188 | Business & Management |
Chiou, Jyh Shen | National Chengchi University | twn | 81818 | 2455 | 188 | Marketing |
Nonaka, Ikujiro | Hitotsubashi University | jpn | 21243 | 11343 | 189 | Business & Management |
Sweeney, Jillian Carol | The UWA Business School | aus | 83627 | 7443 | 189 | Marketing |
Ashkanasy, Neal M. | The University of Queensland | aus | 26448 | 7488 | 190 | Business & Management |
Milne, George R. | Isenberg School of Management | usa | 87060 | 3158 | 190 | Marketing |
Gibson, Cristina B. | Pepperdine University | usa | 23044 | 10090 | 191 | Business & Management |
Singhapakdi, Anusorn | Old Dominion University | usa | 90126 | 2841 | 191 | Marketing |
Tung, Rosalie L. | Simon Fraser University | can | 23707 | 5863 | 192 | Business & Management |
Merrilees, Bill | Griffith Business School | aus | 90956 | 3239 | 192 | Marketing |
Svensson, Göran | Kristiania University College | nor | 25531 | 5285 | 193 | Business & Management |
Escalas, Jennifer Edson | Owen Graduate School of Management | usa | 85969 | 3609 | 193 | Marketing |
Hillman, Amy J. | Arizona State University | usa | 21586 | 11145 | 194 | Business & Management |
Lohse, Gerald L. | Accenture | 82902 | 3922 | 194 | Marketing | |
Mentzer, John T. | University of Tennessee | usa | 22782 | 10296 | 195 | Business & Management |
Soutar, Geoff | The UWA Business School | aus | 85629 | 9271 | 195 | Marketing |
O'Reilly, Charles A. | Stanford Graduate School of Business | usa | 21587 | 11577 | 196 | Business & Management |
Peattie, Ken | Cardiff Business School | gbr | 83743 | 2671 | 196 | Marketing |
Griffin, Abbie | David Eccles School of Business | usa | 22951 | 6816 | 197 | Business & Management |
Laukkanen, Tommi | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | fin | 90086 | 2539 | 197 | Marketing |
Tushman, Mike | Harvard University | usa | 21690 | 17444 | 198 | Business & Management |
Bradlow, Eric T. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 92380 | 4645 | 198 | Marketing |
Day, David V. | Claremont McKenna College | usa | 23098 | 7162 | 199 | Business & Management |
Malthouse, Edward | Northwestern University | usa | 101277 | 4023 | 199 | Marketing |
Mahoney, Joseph T. | Gies College of Business | usa | 25201 | 7266 | 200 | Business & Management |
Reed, Americus | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 87035 | 4230 | 200 | Marketing |
Boiral, Olivier | Université Laval | can | 26416 | 4413 | 201 | Business & Management |
Storbacka, Kaj | Hanken School of Economics | fin | 91608 | 4537 | 201 | Marketing |
Schaltegger, Stefan | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg | deu | 26517 | 7178 | 202 | Business & Management |
Villas-Boas, J. Miguel | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business | usa | 86569 | 2196 | 202 | Marketing |
Chan, David | Singapore Management University | sgp | 25104 | 5218 | 203 | Business & Management |
Sharma, Piyush | Curtin University | aus | 94967 | 2000 | 203 | Marketing |
Gagne, Marylene | Curtin University | aus | 24330 | 9707 | 204 | Business & Management |
MacInnis, Deborah J. | Marketing Department | 88309 | 4134 | 204 | Marketing | |
Helfat, Constance E. | Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth | usa | 22599 | 9865 | 205 | Business & Management |
Arvidsson, Adam | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | ita | 90241 | 2036 | 205 | Marketing |
Vaara, Eero | University of Oxford | gbr | 24803 | 6028 | 206 | Business & Management |
Loureiro, Sandra Maria Correia | Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) | prt | 99681 | 1966 | 206 | Marketing |
Handfield, Robert | NC State University | usa | 23342 | 12717 | 207 | Business & Management |
Mahajan, Vijay | McCombs School of Business | usa | 87380 | 7326 | 207 | Marketing |
Damanpour, Fariborz | Rutgers University-Newark Campus | usa | 22583 | 7556 | 208 | Business & Management |
Winer, Russell S. | Leonard N. Stern School of Business | usa | 87271 | 2998 | 208 | Marketing |
Jamali, Dima | Suliman S. Olayan School of Business | lbn | 25385 | 4822 | 209 | Business & Management |
Gounaris, Spiros | University of Strathclyde | gbr | 95025 | 2256 | 209 | Marketing |
Tepper, Bennett J. | The Ohio State University | usa | 23088 | 6618 | 210 | Business & Management |
Zhou, Lianxi | Goodman School of Business | can | 90093 | 3233 | 210 | Marketing |
Ng, Thomas W.H. | The University of Hong Kong | hkg | 22938 | 7648 | 211 | Business & Management |
Burton, Scot | Sam M. Walton College of Business | usa | 93341 | 5734 | 211 | Marketing |
Waldman, David A. | Arizona State University | usa | 25243 | 10080 | 212 | Business & Management |
Kelley, Scott W. | University of Kentucky | usa | 92568 | 3227 | 212 | Marketing |
Schein, E. | Organizational Culture and Leadership Institute | usa | 23451 | 5324 | 213 | Business & Management |
Wilkinson, Ian | The University of Sydney | dnk | 105404 | 3294 | 213 | Marketing |
Klassen, Robert | Ivey Business School | can | 23283 | 10645 | 214 | Business & Management |
Bettencourt, Lance A. | Texas Christian University | usa | 88503 | 3396 | 214 | Marketing |
Gassmann, Oliver | University of St. Gallen | che | 23515 | 8243 | 215 | Business & Management |
Gustafsson, Anders | Handelshøyskolen BI | nor | 97096 | 5443 | 215 | Marketing |
Henisz, Witold J. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 23369 | 5871 | 216 | Business & Management |
Turnbull, Peter | University of Bristol | gbr | 95742 | 2147 | 216 | Marketing |
Spender, J. C. | Kozminski University | pol | 24623 | 5807 | 217 | Business & Management |
Hoffman, Donna L. | The George Washington University | 92214 | 9992 | 217 | Marketing | |
Delmas, Magali A. | University of California, Los Angeles | usa | 25807 | 5786 | 218 | Business & Management |
Nelson, Michelle R. | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | usa | 97420 | 2264 | 218 | Marketing |
Jarzabkowski, Paula | The University of Queensland | aus | 25397 | 5471 | 219 | Business & Management |
Klein, Jill | Melbourne Medical School | aus | 95644 | 3424 | 219 | Marketing |
Aldrich, Howard E. | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | usa | 24297 | 6757 | 220 | Business & Management |
Brown, Tom J. | Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University | usa | 91419 | 6164 | 220 | Marketing |
Knights, David | Oxford Brookes Business School | gbr | 26027 | 5875 | 221 | Business & Management |
Tucker, Catherine | MIT Sloan School of Management | usa | 96942 | 2577 | 221 | Marketing |
LePine, Jeffery A. | Arizona State University | usa | 23431 | 14951 | 222 | Business & Management |
Viswanathan, Madhubalan | Loyola Marymount University | usa | 107947 | 2179 | 222 | Marketing |
Whitley, Richard | Alliance Manchester Business School | gbr | 25130 | 3309 | 223 | Business & Management |
Ailawadi, Kusum L. | Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth | 94309 | 3698 | 223 | Marketing | |
Pisano, Gary | Harvard Business School | usa | 23389 | 21544 | 224 | Business & Management |
Dube, Laurette | Desautels Faculty of Management | can | 101503 | 4394 | 224 | Marketing |
Guillén, Mauro F. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 24375 | 6304 | 225 | Business & Management |
Shugan, Steven M. | Warrington College of Business | usa | 109615 | 2072 | 225 | Marketing |
Eby, Lillian T. | University of Georgia | usa | 25859 | 9785 | 226 | Business & Management |
Greenley, Gordon E. | University of Birmingham | gbr | 97907 | 2479 | 226 | Marketing |
Lawrence, Thomas B. | University of Oxford, Saïd Business School | gbr | 24270 | 10392 | 227 | Business & Management |
Cadogan, John W. | Loughborough University | gbr | 96858 | 3459 | 227 | Marketing |
Peteraf, Margaret | Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth | usa | 23858 | 11215 | 228 | Business & Management |
Kowalkowski, Christian | Linköpings universitet | swe | 105748 | 2885 | 228 | Marketing |
Bliese, Paul D. | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | usa | 27650 | 8575 | 229 | Business & Management |
Reinartz, Werner | University of Cologne | deu | 96455 | 6991 | 229 | Marketing |
Morgeson, Frederick P. | Broad College of Business | usa | 25359 | 11649 | 230 | Business & Management |
Andaleeb, Syed Saad | BRAC University | bgd | 93700 | 1844 | 230 | Marketing |
Waddock, Sandra | Boston College | usa | 24536 | 7030 | 231 | Business & Management |
Brown, Steven P. | C. T. Bauer College of Business | usa | 93691 | 3808 | 231 | Marketing |
Rothaermel, Frank T. | Scheller College of Business | usa | 25070 | 8059 | 232 | Business & Management |
Johnson, Jean L. | Carson College of Business | usa | 94872 | 3233 | 232 | Marketing |
Prahalad, C. K. | University of Michigan | usa | 23816 | 13966 | 233 | Business & Management |
Prajogo, Daniel | Monash Business School | aus | 24611 | 5714 | 234 | Business & Management |
Vandenberg, Robert J. | University of Georgia | usa | 25033 | 10080 | 235 | Business & Management |
Moschis, George P. | Georgia State University | usa | 100749 | 1713 | 235 | Marketing |
Hamel, Gary | London Business School | usa | 24202 | 7441 | 236 | Business & Management |
Mittal, Banwari | Haile/US Bank College of Business Northern Kentuky University | usa | 96312 | 2644 | 236 | Marketing |
Mitchell, Terence R. | University of Washington | usa | 25590 | 10072 | 237 | Business & Management |
Ahuvia, Aaron | University of Michigan-Dearborn | usa | 100464 | 4079 | 237 | Marketing |
Welter, Friederike | Universität Siegen | deu | 28954 | 5730 | 238 | Business & Management |
Sorenson, Olav | UCLA Anderson School of Management | usa | 25739 | 7093 | 239 | Business & Management |
Peloza, John | Gatton College of Business and Economics | usa | 98868 | 2707 | 239 | Marketing |
McGrath, Rita | Columbia Business School | usa | 24927 | 5929 | 240 | Business & Management |
Nambisan, Satish | Weatherhead School of Management | usa | 25644 | 6319 | 241 | Business & Management |
Ragins, Belle Rose | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | usa | 25502 | 5626 | 242 | Business & Management |
Schlegelmilch, Bodo B. | Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien | aut | 99542 | 4246 | 242 | Marketing |
Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro | D'Amore-McKim School of Business | usa | 28158 | 4877 | 243 | Business & Management |
Balasubramanian, Sridhar | UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School | usa | 96710 | 4305 | 243 | Marketing |
Liden, Robert C. | University of Illinois at Chicago | usa | 25641 | 16018 | 244 | Business & Management |
Hobday, Mike | University of Brighton | gbr | 26264 | 5266 | 245 | Business & Management |
Bolino, Mark C. | Price College of Business | usa | 26735 | 6843 | 246 | Business & Management |
Sohal, Amrik | Monash University | aus | 28430 | 9036 | 247 | Business & Management |
Jackson, Susan E. | Rutgers University–New Brunswick | usa | 26498 | 15237 | 248 | Business & Management |
MacKenzie, Scott B. | Kelley School of Business | usa | 25984 | 57724 | 249 | Business & Management |
Feldman, Martha | University of California, Irvine | usa | 28530 | 7267 | 250 | Business & Management |
Drasgow, Fritz | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | usa | 29262 | 8954 | 251 | Business & Management |
Link, Albert N. | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro | usa | 39912 | 6886 | 252 | Business & Management |
Cohen, Aaron | University of Haifa | isr | 29160 | 3162 | 253 | Business & Management |
Harvey, Michael | University of Mississippi | usa | 31928 | 4892 | 254 | Business & Management |
Gabriel, Yiannis | University of Bath, School of Management | gbr | 29165 | 3517 | 255 | Business & Management |
Davis, Gerald F. | Stephen M. Ross School of Business | 27170 | 5545 | 256 | Business & Management | |
Greenwood, Royston | The University of Edinburgh | gbr | 27749 | 12214 | 257 | Business & Management |
Dutton, Jane | Stephen M. Ross School of Business | usa | 27013 | 9889 | 258 | Business & Management |
Hennart, Jean François | Tilburg University | nld | 30195 | 4730 | 259 | Business & Management |
Hofmann, David A. | UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School | usa | 27811 | 7912 | 260 | Business & Management |
Husted, Bryan W. | EGADE Business School | mex | 28458 | 3991 | 261 | Business & Management |
Szulanski, Gabriel | INSEAD, Singapore | sgp | 27942 | 8492 | 262 | Business & Management |
Chia, Robert | University of Glasgow | gbr | 27849 | 4747 | 263 | Business & Management |
Hinkin, Timothy R. | Cornell University School of Hotel Administration | usa | 28051 | 5760 | 264 | Business & Management |
Aryee, Samuel | Surrey Business School | gbr | 27873 | 7137 | 265 | Business & Management |
Anderson, Neil R. | University of Bradford | gbr | 32698 | 7336 | 266 | Business & Management |
Shenkar, Oded | Fisher College of Business | usa | 29967 | 5849 | 267 | Business & Management |
Kossek, Ellen Ernst | Krannert School of Management | usa | 32280 | 6815 | 268 | Business & Management |
Cornelissen, Joep P. | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | nld | 31048 | 3945 | 269 | Business & Management |
Ahuja, Gautam | Cornell University | usa | 27922 | 10635 | 270 | Business & Management |
Barling, Julian | The Stephen J. R. Smith School of Business | can | 30045 | 10694 | 271 | Business & Management |
Shrivastava, Paul | Pennsylvania State University | fra | 28117 | 4057 | 272 | Business & Management |
Autio, Erkko | Imperial College London | gbr | 30236 | 9698 | 273 | Business & Management |
Kuratko, Donald F. | Kelley School of Business | usa | 30479 | 5807 | 274 | Business & Management |
Wiklund, Johan | Martin J. Whitman School of Management | usa | 29525 | 11515 | 275 | Business & Management |
Schuler, Randall | Universität Luzern | che | 28534 | 7610 | 276 | Business & Management |
Gottfredson, Linda S. | University of Delaware | usa | 31370 | 3914 | 277 | Business & Management |
Budhwar, Pawan | Aston Business School | gbr | 37626 | 5554 | 278 | Business & Management |
Reynolds, Paul D. | Aston University | gbr | 30332 | 5745 | 279 | Business & Management |
Cantwell, John | Rutgers University-Newark Campus | usa | 35320 | 4513 | 280 | Business & Management |
Robinson, Sandra L. | The University of British Columbia | usa | 30646 | 9328 | 281 | Business & Management |
Gartner, William B. | Babson College | usa | 32017 | 6280 | 282 | Business & Management |
Earley, P. Christopher | Purdue University | usa | 29929 | 7219 | 283 | Business & Management |
Powell, Gary N. | University of Connecticut | usa | 31638 | 5777 | 284 | Business & Management |
Anderson, Alistair | Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Lancaster University Management School | gbr | 38862 | 5552 | 285 | Business & Management |
Kostova, Tatiana | University of South Carolina | usa | 29572 | 9133 | 286 | Business & Management |
Browning, Tyson R. | Texas Christian University | usa | 32764 | 4231 | 287 | Business & Management |
Carroll, Glenn R. | Stanford University | usa | 32197 | 5176 | 288 | Business & Management |
Lawler, Edward E. | USC Marshall School of Business | usa | 29384 | 5413 | 289 | Business & Management |
Chen, Yu Shan | National Taipei University | twn | 36184 | 4311 | 290 | Business & Management |
Tsai, Wenpin | Penn State Smeal College of Business | usa | 30434 | 9961 | 291 | Business & Management |
Aaker, David | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business | usa | 29471 | 4362 | 292 | Business & Management |
Brown, John Seely | Xerox Palo Alto Reasearch Cent | usa | 29955 | 15712 | 293 | Business & Management |
Amit, Raphael | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 29795 | 17369 | 294 | Business & Management |
Sadler-Smith, Eugene | University of Surrey | 34135 | 3791 | 295 | Business & Management | |
Howells, Jeremy | Faculty of Business and Law | gbr | 30732 | 3751 | 296 | Business & Management |
Storey, David J. | University of Sussex | gbr | 31620 | 5137 | 297 | Business & Management |
Zhou, Jing | Jones Graduate School of Business | usa | 32304 | 9795 | 298 | Business & Management |
Janssen, Onne | University of Groningen | nld | 33820 | 5019 | 299 | Business & Management |
Arbaugh, J. Ben | University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | usa | 36665 | 3808 | 300 | Business & Management |
Phillips, Nelson | Imperial College Business School | gbr | 32060 | 8727 | 301 | Business & Management |
Doh, Jonathan | Villanova University | usa | 32613 | 5795 | 302 | Business & Management |
Matlay, Harry | Global Independent Research | gbr | 37871 | 3285 | 303 | Business & Management |
ZAJAC, EDWARD J. | Northwestern University | usa | 31084 | 9097 | 304 | Business & Management |
Bruton, Garry D. | Texas Christian University | usa | 33993 | 9060 | 305 | Business & Management |
Hoffman, Andrew J. | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | usa | 32395 | 3942 | 306 | Business & Management |
Wang, Mo | Warrington College of Business | usa | 39250 | 6629 | 307 | Business & Management |
Carayannis, Elias G. | GW School of Business | usa | 49834 | 4208 | 308 | Business & Management |
Aguilera, Ruth V. | D'Amore-McKim School of Business | usa | 34083 | 7685 | 309 | Business & Management |
Lance, Charles E. | University of the Western Cape | zaf | 34342 | 9561 | 310 | Business & Management |
Ilgen, Daniel R. | Michigan State University | usa | 33617 | 8147 | 311 | Business & Management |
Baum, Joel A.C. | University of Toronto | 34782 | 7484 | 312 | Business & Management | |
Zaheer, Srilata | Carlson School of Management | usa | 32157 | 7502 | 313 | Business & Management |
Swink, Morgan | Texas Christian University | usa | 32491 | 5706 | 314 | Business & Management |
Lu, Luo | National Taiwan University | twn | 41942 | 3773 | 315 | Business & Management |
Collinson, David | Lancaster University Management School | gbr | 35272 | 3591 | 316 | Business & Management |
Kozlowski, Steve W.J. | University of South Florida, Tampa | usa | 34676 | 8580 | 317 | Business & Management |
Zacher, Hannes | Universität Leipzig | deu | 43257 | 4320 | 318 | Business & Management |
MacMillan, Ian C. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 32598 | 8358 | 319 | Business & Management |
Dey, Prasanta Kumar | Aston Business School | gbr | 39624 | 4697 | 320 | Business & Management |
Schilling, Melissa A. | New York University | usa | 32560 | 4787 | 321 | Business & Management |
Greenhaus, Jeffrey H. | LeBow College of Business | usa | 33330 | 7601 | 322 | Business & Management |
McAdam, Rodney | Ulster University | gbr | 34955 | 5158 | 323 | Business & Management |
Cunliffe, Ann L. | Fundacao Getulio Vargas | bra | 36027 | 3440 | 324 | Business & Management |
Folger, Robert | University of Central Florida | usa | 34446 | 5998 | 325 | Business & Management |
Verbeke, Alain | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | bel | 40056 | 8223 | 326 | Business & Management |
Warner, Malcolm | University of Cambridge | gbr | 43777 | 3145 | 327 | Business & Management |
Steel, Piers | Haskayne School of Business | can | 35523 | 6054 | 328 | Business & Management |
Lord, Robert G. | Durham University Business School | gbr | 37929 | 8136 | 329 | Business & Management |
Lubatkin, Michael | University of Connecticut | usa | 33628 | 12218 | 330 | Business & Management |
Cascio, Wayne F. | University of Colorado Denver | usa | 35057 | 3773 | 331 | Business & Management |
Czarniawska, Barbara | Göteborgs Universitet | swe | 38385 | 2720 | 332 | Business & Management |
Blau, Gary | Fox School of Business | usa | 37343 | 2870 | 333 | Business & Management |
Yammarino, Francis J. | Binghamton University State University of New York | usa | 40106 | 6788 | 334 | Business & Management |
Sharma, Pramodita | University of Vermont | usa | 36667 | 5548 | 335 | Business & Management |
Coccia, M. | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | ita | 108445 | 1208 | 336 | Business & Management |
Selmer, Jan | Aarhus Universitet | dnk | 39405 | 2697 | 337 | Business & Management |
Mitchell, Will | Rotman School of Management | can | 36780 | 7052 | 338 | Business & Management |
Watson, Tony | University of Nottingham | gbr | 36307 | 2465 | 339 | Business & Management |
Ernst, Holger | WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management | deu | 35843 | 4050 | 340 | Business & Management |
Zaccaro, Stephen J. | George Mason University | usa | 37634 | 7356 | 341 | Business & Management |
Wright, Thomas A. | Fordham University | usa | 40479 | 4695 | 342 | Business & Management |
Starbuck, William H. | University of Oregon | usa | 35496 | 3762 | 343 | Business & Management |
Priem, Richard L. | Texas Christian University | usa | 36167 | 6097 | 344 | Business & Management |
Podolny, Joel M. | Apple University | usa | 35780 | 6376 | 345 | Business & Management |
Westman, Mina | Tel Aviv University | isr | 38408 | 5095 | 346 | Business & Management |
Slater, Stanley F. | Colorado State University | usa | 35804 | 8152 | 347 | Business & Management |
Ghemawat, Pankaj | Leonard N. Stern School of Business | usa | 35506 | 3654 | 348 | Business & Management |
Dumay, Johannes | Macquarie Business School | aus | 47574 | 3839 | 349 | Business & Management |
House, Robert J. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 35374 | 7951 | 350 | Business & Management |
Brett, Jeanne M. | Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University | usa | 37514 | 6386 | 351 | Business & Management |
Bessant, John | University of Exeter | gbr | 38027 | 6384 | 352 | Business & Management |
Noe, Raymond A. | The Ohio State University | usa | 37289 | 7862 | 353 | Business & Management |
Venkatraman, N. | Questrom School of Business | usa | 35525 | 9794 | 354 | Business & Management |
Viswesvaran, Chockalingam | Florida International University | usa | 39145 | 10431 | 355 | Business & Management |
Siggelkow, Nicolaj | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 36368 | 5193 | 356 | Business & Management |
Ashford, Susan P. | Stephen M. Ross School of Business | usa | 37681 | 7173 | 357 | Business & Management |
Ram, Monder | Aston Business School | gbr | 44471 | 3629 | 358 | Business & Management |
Staw, Barry M. | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business | usa | 37788 | 5801 | 359 | Business & Management |
Roth, Philip L. | Clemson University | usa | 38180 | 6206 | 360 | Business & Management |
Chen, Gilad | Robert H. Smith School of Business | usa | 38704 | 8366 | 361 | Business & Management |
Mason, Colin | Adam Smith Business School | gbr | 43396 | 4193 | 362 | Business & Management |
Laursen, Keld | Copenhagen Business School | dnk | 39449 | 6984 | 363 | Business & Management |
Coviello, Nicole | Lazaridis School of Business and Economics | can | 38048 | 6026 | 364 | Business & Management |
Colombo, Massimo G. | Politecnico di Milano | ita | 43315 | 5420 | 365 | Business & Management |
Grey, Christopher | School of Business and Management | gbr | 38351 | 3973 | 366 | Business & Management |
Cappelli, Peter | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 38227 | 3243 | 367 | Business & Management |
Garud, Raghu | Penn State Smeal College of Business | usa | 40374 | 7101 | 368 | Business & Management |
Nicolini, Davide | University of Warwick | gbr | 39017 | 4381 | 369 | Business & Management |
Brouthers, Keith D. | King's College London | gbr | 38942 | 4725 | 370 | Business & Management |
Filatotchev, Igor | Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien | aut | 43498 | 7881 | 371 | Business & Management |
García-Sánchez, Isabel María | Universidad de Salamanca | esp | 49977 | 4540 | 372 | Business & Management |
Van de Vliert, E. | University of Groningen | nld | 50002 | 5054 | 373 | Business & Management |
Thurik, Roy | Erasmus School of Economics | nld | 43977 | 11306 | 374 | Business & Management |
Schaubroeck, John M. | University of Missouri | usa | 38610 | 7314 | 375 | Business & Management |
Fleming, Lee | University of California, Berkeley | usa | 38675 | 5816 | 376 | Business & Management |
Zairi, Mohamed | European Centre for Best Practice Management | gbr | 38817 | 4764 | 377 | Business & Management |
Finkelstein, Sydney | Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth | usa | 38485 | 7209 | 378 | Business & Management |
Roper, Stephen | Warwick Business School | gbr | 42912 | 4060 | 379 | Business & Management |
Rothwell, Roy | University of Sussex | gbr | 38215 | 3747 | 380 | Business & Management |
Van DIck, Rolf | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | deu | 47942 | 6469 | 381 | Business & Management |
McDaniel, Michael A. | Virginia Commonwealth University | usa | 41744 | 5483 | 382 | Business & Management |
Lundvall, Bengt Åke | Aalborg Universitet | dnk | 41785 | 5406 | 383 | Business & Management |
van Dierendonck, Dirk | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University | nld | 43102 | 4461 | 384 | Business & Management |
Tang, Thomas | Middle Tennessee State University | usa | 68665 | 2661 | 385 | Business & Management |
Narula, Rajneesh | Henley Business School | gbr | 46416 | 3711 | 386 | Business & Management |
Brush, Candida | Babson College | usa | 40744 | 5822 | 387 | Business & Management |
Wagner, Marcus | Technical University of Munich | deu | 40322 | 4263 | 388 | Business & Management |
Meredith, Jack | Wake Forest School of Business | usa | 40647 | 4067 | 389 | Business & Management |
Fleming, Peter | University of Technology Sydney | aus | 40975 | 3490 | 390 | Business & Management |
Carlson, Dawn S. | Baylor University | usa | 40409 | 7573 | 391 | Business & Management |
Powell, Thomas C. | University of Oxford, Saïd Business School | gbr | 41487 | 4905 | 392 | Business & Management |
Fayolle, Alain | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | ita | 45916 | 4942 | 393 | Business & Management |
Ratten, Vanessa | La Trobe Business School | aus | 58252 | 2584 | 394 | Business & Management |
Kaplan, Andreas | ESCP Europe Business School, Paris | fra | 42681 | 9212 | 395 | Business & Management |
Lin, Chieh Peng | National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University | twn | 46218 | 3200 | 396 | Business & Management |
Pagell, Mark | University College Dublin | usa | 42385 | 5397 | 397 | Business & Management |
Garvin, David A. | Harvard Business School | usa | 39634 | 4467 | 398 | Business & Management |
Bedeian, Arthur G. | Boston University | usa | 40399 | 5125 | 399 | Business & Management |
Reuer, Jeffrey J. | University of Colorado Boulder | usa | 45052 | 5552 | 400 | Business & Management |
Garavan, Thomas N. | National College of Ireland | irl | 44157 | 3663 | 401 | Business & Management |
Sapienza, Harry J. | Carlson School of Management | usa | 41944 | 9636 | 402 | Business & Management |
Sosik, John J. | Penn State Great Valley | usa | 43725 | 4375 | 403 | Business & Management |
Salgado, Jesús F. | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | esp | 48014 | 4303 | 404 | Business & Management |
Ones, Deniz S. | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | usa | 48085 | 9394 | 405 | Business & Management |
Dess, Gregory G. | The Naveen Jindal School of Management | usa | 40580 | 11900 | 406 | Business & Management |
Currie, Graeme | Warwick Business School | gbr | 44732 | 4268 | 407 | Business & Management |
Sushil, S. | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi | ind | 57085 | 2824 | 408 | Business & Management |
Lewis, Marianne W. | University of Cincinnati | usa | 42165 | 7641 | 409 | Business & Management |
Den Hartog, Deanne N. | Universiteit van Amsterdam | nld | 44975 | 8246 | 410 | Business & Management |
Hodgkinson, Gerard P. | Alliance Manchester Business School | gbr | 50962 | 3494 | 411 | Business & Management |
Beamish, Paul W. | Ivey Business School | can | 45558 | 11165 | 412 | Business & Management |
Ostroff, Cheri | UniSA Business | aus | 41898 | 5233 | 413 | Business & Management |
Glynn, Mary Ann | Boston College | usa | 43149 | 6205 | 414 | Business & Management |
Majchrzak, Ann | USC Marshall School of Business | usa | 43584 | 8855 | 415 | Business & Management |
Li, Jiatao | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | hkg | 44114 | 4533 | 416 | Business & Management |
Ahlstrom, David | Chinese University of Hong Kong | hkg | 53050 | 6310 | 417 | Business & Management |
Chang, Sea Jin | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | kor | 42016 | 4856 | 418 | Business & Management |
Lavie, Dovev | Università Bocconi | usa | 44607 | 5250 | 419 | Business & Management |
Boyatzis, Richard E. | Case Western Reserve University | usa | 49511 | 3593 | 420 | Business & Management |
Murphy, Kevin | University of Limerick | irl | 45410 | 4224 | 421 | Business & Management |
Spekman, Robert | Focused Ultrasound Foundation | usa | 41970 | 6468 | 422 | Business & Management |
Uhl-Bien, Mary | Texas Christian University | usa | 42513 | 7817 | 423 | Business & Management |
Oldham, Greg R. | A. B. Freeman School of Business | usa | 43230 | 12814 | 424 | Business & Management |
Talluri, Srinivas | Broad College of Business | usa | 44622 | 5874 | 425 | Business & Management |
Carlsson, Bo | Lunds Universitet | swe | 44638 | 5199 | 426 | Business & Management |
Huse, Morten | Handelshøyskolen BI | nor | 47147 | 4132 | 427 | Business & Management |
Ocasio, William | Gies College of Business | usa | 43474 | 5619 | 428 | Business & Management |
Shirom, Arie | Tel Aviv University | isr | 46803 | 5294 | 429 | Business & Management |
Parkes, Katharine | University of Oxford | gbr | 43196 | 3731 | 430 | Business & Management |
Carney, Michael | John Molson School of Business | can | 45873 | 3461 | 431 | Business & Management |
Choi, Thomas Y. | Arizona State University | usa | 43835 | 8938 | 432 | Business & Management |
Wanberg, Connie R. | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | usa | 45541 | 6025 | 433 | Business & Management |
Eden, Dov | Tel Aviv University | isr | 46950 | 5472 | 434 | Business & Management |
Boyd, Brian K. | The W. A. Franke College of Business | usa | 44507 | 4040 | 435 | Business & Management |
Dirks, Kurt T. | Washington University in St. Louis | usa | 44988 | 7778 | 436 | Business & Management |
Day, George S. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 43443 | 3369 | 437 | Business & Management |
Kumar, Sameer | University of St. Thomas, Minnesota | usa | 44440 | 4269 | 438 | Business & Management |
Linton, Jonathan D. | National Research University Higher School of Economics | rus | 48826 | 3469 | 439 | Business & Management |
Calantone, Roger | Broad College of Business | usa | 44182 | 20394 | 440 | Business & Management |
Pearce, Craig L. | University of South Alabama | usa | 46216 | 5504 | 441 | Business & Management |
Flynn, Barbara | Indiana University | usa | 44820 | 8434 | 442 | Business & Management |
Bartunek, Jean M. | Boston College | usa | 47602 | 4625 | 443 | Business & Management |
Arora, Ashish | Fuqua School of Business | 47829 | 4053 | 444 | Business & Management | |
Boyer, Kenneth | The Ohio State University | usa | 45934 | 4398 | 445 | Business & Management |
Cheung, Gordon W. | The University of Auckland | nzl | 45626 | 10492 | 446 | Business & Management |
Griffin, Mark A. | The Faculty of Business and Law | aus | 47265 | 7083 | 447 | Business & Management |
Daily, Catherine M. | Kelley School of Business | usa | 47004 | 9208 | 448 | Business & Management |
Forza, Cipriano | Università degli Studi di Padova | ita | 49042 | 3970 | 449 | Business & Management |
Kotabe, Masaaki | Fox School of Business | usa | 46793 | 6292 | 450 | Business & Management |
Vogel, David | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business | usa | 44613 | 2743 | 451 | Business & Management |
Chen, Ming Jer | University of Virginia | usa | 49300 | 4954 | 452 | Business & Management |
Fiss, Peer C. | University of Southern California | usa | 44947 | 5717 | 453 | Business & Management |
Caligiuri, Paula | D'Amore-McKim School of Business | usa | 48738 | 3688 | 454 | Business & Management |
Allen, Natalie J. | The University of Western Ontario | can | 46851 | 16763 | 455 | Business & Management |
Wood, Robert E. | University of Technology Sydney | aus | 49460 | 4443 | 456 | Business & Management |
Casson, Mark | Henley Business School | gbr | 50827 | 3223 | 457 | Business & Management |
Borman, Walter C. | University of South Florida, Tampa | usa | 46431 | 4508 | 458 | Business & Management |
Kompier, Michiel | Radboud University Nijmegen | nld | 51656 | 7261 | 459 | Business & Management |
Mount, Michael K. | Henry B. Tippie College of Business | usa | 46536 | 13473 | 460 | Business & Management |
Hannan, Michael T. | Stanford Graduate School of Business | usa | 51652 | 4874 | 461 | Business & Management |
Bowen, David E. | Thunderbird School of Global Management | usa | 47269 | 6916 | 462 | Business & Management |
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss | Harvard Business School | usa | 45598 | 2396 | 463 | Business & Management |
Vinodh, S. | National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli | ind | 57266 | 4109 | 464 | Business & Management |
Freel, Mark | Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Lancaster University Management School | gbr | 48547 | 2786 | 465 | Business & Management |
Schoemaker, Paul J.H. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 46630 | 6486 | 466 | Business & Management |
Hirschi, Andreas | University of Bern | che | 55367 | 2356 | 467 | Business & Management |
Gittell, Jody Hoffer | Brandeis University | usa | 50588 | 3722 | 468 | Business & Management |
Shaw, Jason D. | Nanyang Technological University | chn | 51473 | 6654 | 469 | Business & Management |
Drucker, Peter F. | New York University | usa | 46554 | 3146 | 470 | Business & Management |
Mellahi, Kamel | Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) | are | 54655 | 4929 | 471 | Business & Management |
Kanfer, Ruth | Georgia Institute of Technology | usa | 51023 | 6822 | 472 | Business & Management |
Tan, Justin | Schulich School of Business | can | 51947 | 3417 | 473 | Business & Management |
Kahn, William A. | Questrom School of Business | usa | 49909 | 4433 | 474 | Business & Management |
Rindova, Violina P. | University of Southern California | usa | 50215 | 6010 | 475 | Business & Management |
Conger, Jay A. | Claremont McKenna College | usa | 47317 | 3910 | 476 | Business & Management |
Das, T. K. | Baruch College | usa | 48396 | 7808 | 477 | Business & Management |
Probst, Tahira M. | Washington State University Vancouver | usa | 59266 | 3202 | 478 | Business & Management |
van Hoek, Remko | Sam M. Walton College of Business | usa | 49690 | 2514 | 479 | Business & Management |
Peppard, Joe | MIT Sloan School of Management | usa | 49922 | 4407 | 480 | Business & Management |
Graen, George | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | usa | 49234 | 8726 | 481 | Business & Management |
Fawcett, Stanley E. | Weber State University | usa | 52510 | 5375 | 482 | Business & Management |
Holweg, Matthias | University of Oxford, Saïd Business School | gbr | 50396 | 3846 | 483 | Business & Management |
Erez, Miriam | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | isr | 51925 | 7130 | 484 | Business & Management |
Wong, Kuan Yew | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | mys | 52801 | 4380 | 485 | Business & Management |
Verganti, Roberto | Handelshögskolan i Stockholm | swe | 57335 | 3590 | 486 | Business & Management |
Ryan, Ann Marie | Michigan State University | usa | 52930 | 6274 | 487 | Business & Management |
Hollenbeck, John R. | Michigan State University | usa | 51276 | 7819 | 488 | Business & Management |
Lockett, Andy | Warwick Business School | gbr | 54892 | 8568 | 489 | Business & Management |
Gerhart, Barry | University of Wisconsin-Madison | usa | 49701 | 5917 | 490 | Business & Management |
Côté, Stéphane | University of Toronto | can | 51386 | 5035 | 491 | Business & Management |
Gray, Barbara | Pennsylvania State University | usa | 51099 | 4579 | 492 | Business & Management |
Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd | University of Groningen | nld | 50699 | 3261 | 493 | Business & Management |
Snee, Ronald D. | Snee Associates, LLC | usa | 56767 | 2753 | 494 | Business & Management |
Bordia, Prashant | ANU College of Business & Economics | aus | 53607 | 4443 | 495 | Business & Management |
Delios, Andrew | NUS Business School | sgp | 51267 | 6063 | 496 | Business & Management |
Kenney, Martin | University of California, Davis | usa | 52101 | 5112 | 497 | Business & Management |
Smith, Alan D. | Robert Morris University | usa | 96823 | 1500 | 498 | Business & Management |
Rothstein, Hannah R. | Baruch College | usa | 50913 | 17344 | 499 | Business & Management |
Deephouse, David L. | Alberta School of Business | can | 50142 | 4453 | 500 | Business & Management |
Rondinelli, Dennis A. | RTI International | usa | 51435 | 3652 | 501 | Business & Management |
Lee, Sang M. | University of Nebraska–Lincoln | usa | 53301 | 4851 | 502 | Business & Management |
Agarwal, Rajshree | Robert H. Smith School of Business | 53520 | 4361 | 503 | Business & Management | |
Madhok, Anoop | Department of Management | 51582 | 4031 | 504 | Business & Management | |
Zapf, Dieter | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | deu | 52655 | 4835 | 505 | Business & Management |
Nutt, Paul C. | Fisher College of Business | usa | 53154 | 2006 | 506 | Business & Management |
Hollingshead, Andrea B. | Annenberg School for Communication | usa | 54048 | 3637 | 507 | Business & Management |
Barsade, Sigal G. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 50706 | 6515 | 508 | Business & Management |
Saxenian, Anna Lee | University of California, Berkeley | usa | 50355 | 3123 | 509 | Business & Management |
Block, Joern | Universitat Trier | deu | 58576 | 3292 | 510 | Business & Management |
Ramayah, T. | Universiti Sains Malaysia | mys | 60655 | 6677 | 511 | Business & Management |
Kotler, Philip | Northwestern University | usa | 50653 | 5311 | 512 | Business & Management |
Tan, Keah Choon | Lee Business School | usa | 51318 | 4401 | 513 | Business & Management |
Dodgson, Mark | Imperial College London | gbr | 52315 | 3306 | 514 | Business & Management |
Zott, Christoph | Universidad de Navarra | esp | 50959 | 10050 | 515 | Business & Management |
Cummings, Jonathon N. | Fuqua School of Business | usa | 52240 | 5656 | 516 | Business & Management |
Highhouse, Scott | Bowling Green State University | usa | 54675 | 3390 | 517 | Business & Management |
Birley, Sue | Imperial College London | gbr | 52713 | 4212 | 518 | Business & Management |
Dalton, Dan R. | Indiana University Bloomington | usa | 52004 | 10570 | 519 | Business & Management |
Brief, Arthur P. | David Eccles School of Business | usa | 52499 | 6174 | 520 | Business & Management |
Conyon, Martin J. | Bentley University | usa | 53847 | 3316 | 521 | Business & Management |
McMullen, Jeffery S. | Kelley School of Business | usa | 60804 | 5401 | 522 | Business & Management |
Barnett, Michael L. | Rutgers University | usa | 54032 | 3250 | 523 | Business & Management |
Liao, Hui | Robert H. Smith School of Business | usa | 52787 | 6359 | 524 | Business & Management |
Checkland, Peter | Lancaster University Management School | gbr | 51338 | 2494 | 525 | Business & Management |
Putnam, Linda L. | University of California, Santa Barbara | usa | 56408 | 3216 | 526 | Business & Management |
Abrahamson, Eric | Columbia University | usa | 51913 | 3732 | 527 | Business & Management |
Schroeder, Roger | Carlson School of Management | usa | 52821 | 14033 | 528 | Business & Management |
Markides, Constantinos | London Business School | gbr | 55007 | 3121 | 529 | Business & Management |
Lim, Vivien K.G. | National University of Singapore | sgp | 55399 | 3820 | 530 | Business & Management |
Ruef, Martin | Duke University | usa | 56629 | 3379 | 531 | Business & Management |
Schriesheim, Chester A. | University of Miami | usa | 54581 | 5765 | 532 | Business & Management |
Gardner, William L. | Texas Tech University | usa | 54755 | 9011 | 533 | Business & Management |
Davies, Andrew | University of Sussex Business School | gbr | 57470 | 4380 | 534 | Business & Management |
McAfee, Andrew | MIT Sloan School of Management | usa | 52512 | 4304 | 535 | Business & Management |
Patel, Pankaj | Villanova University | usa | 55174 | 5969 | 536 | Business & Management |
Stewart, Greg L. | Henry B. Tippie College of Business | usa | 55907 | 4777 | 537 | Business & Management |
Gibb, Allan A. | Durham University | gbr | 53344 | 2813 | 538 | Business & Management |
London, Manuel | College of Business | usa | 57644 | 3339 | 539 | Business & Management |
Dimov, Dimo | Reykjavik University | isl | 55913 | 3365 | 540 | Business & Management |
Raelin, Joe | University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business | zaf | 54244 | 2033 | 541 | Business & Management |
Pearce, John A. | Villanova University | usa | 53409 | 5127 | 542 | Business & Management |
Crossan, Mary | Ivey Business School | can | 54729 | 8450 | 543 | Business & Management |
Belderbos, René | United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology | nld | 59301 | 3733 | 544 | Business & Management |
Tharenou, Phyllis | Flinders University | aus | 56269 | 2548 | 545 | Business & Management |
Ardichvili, Alexandre | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | usa | 55874 | 3941 | 546 | Business & Management |
Carpenter, Mason | Wisconsin School of Business | usa | 53806 | 5932 | 547 | Business & Management |
Kellermanns, Franz | WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management | deu | 61119 | 7383 | 548 | Business & Management |
Aycan, Zeynep | Koç Üniversitesi | tur | 60246 | 4369 | 549 | Business & Management |
Phaal, R. | University of Cambridge | gbr | 67695 | 3574 | 550 | Business & Management |
Dawson, Jeremy | Sheffield University Management School | gbr | 55661 | 5716 | 551 | Business & Management |
Aragón-Correa, J. Alberto | Universidad de Granada | 57697 | 4406 | 552 | Business & Management | |
Cooper, Arnold C. | Krannert School of Management | usa | 53730 | 5970 | 553 | Business & Management |
Fisher, Cynthia D. | Bond Business School | aus | 54448 | 3633 | 554 | Business & Management |
Wong, Poh Kam | National University of Singapore | sgp | 57408 | 4998 | 555 | Business & Management |
Harrison, Richard T. | University of Edinburgh Business School | gbr | 61687 | 4010 | 556 | Business & Management |
Motowidlo, Stephan J. | Rice University | usa | 58756 | 5714 | 557 | Business & Management |
Lumpkin, G. T. | University of Oklahoma | usa | 56864 | 13271 | 558 | Business & Management |
Flynn, Francis J. | Stanford University | usa | 58137 | 3120 | 559 | Business & Management |
Datta, Deepak K. | The University of Texas at Arlington | usa | 56839 | 4675 | 560 | Business & Management |
De Witte, Hans | KU Leuven | bel | 74927 | 8386 | 561 | Business & Management |
Van der Heijden, Beatrice | Radboud University Nijmegen | nld | 77964 | 4611 | 562 | Business & Management |
Burnes, Bernard | Stirling Management School | gbr | 59624 | 2412 | 563 | Business & Management |
Jones, Peter | University of Gloucestershire | gbr | 58524 | 3310 | 564 | Business & Management |
Shaver, J. Myles | University of Minnesota Twin Cities | usa | 55993 | 3683 | 565 | Business & Management |
West, Joel | Keck Graduate Institute | usa | 61232 | 3929 | 566 | Business & Management |
Shalley, Christina E. | Scheller College of Business | usa | 56582 | 7855 | 567 | Business & Management |
Hochwarter, Wayne A. | Florida State University | usa | 75935 | 5340 | 568 | Business & Management |
Souder, William E. | The University of Alabama in Huntsville | usa | 57487 | 3602 | 569 | Business & Management |
McIvor, Ronan | Ulster University | gbr | 57001 | 2757 | 570 | Business & Management |
Fairhurst, Gail | University of Cincinnati | usa | 62193 | 2772 | 571 | Business & Management |
Cannella, Albert | Texas A&M University | usa | 57433 | 8724 | 572 | Business & Management |
Cameron, Kim | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | usa | 60731 | 4048 | 573 | Business & Management |
Swan, Jacky | University of Warwick | gbr | 59176 | 5210 | 574 | Business & Management |
Alan Witt, L. | University of Houston | usa | 57761 | 4016 | 575 | Business & Management |
Giuliani, Elisa | Università di Pisa | ita | 60437 | 2924 | 576 | Business & Management |
Parker, Martin | University of Bristol | gbr | 65110 | 2514 | 577 | Business & Management |
Zollo, Maurizio | Imperial College Business School | gbr | 59202 | 7490 | 578 | Business & Management |
Jack, Sarah L. | Handelshögskolan i Stockholm | swe | 65070 | 3989 | 579 | Business & Management |
Sutcliffe, Kathleen M. | Johns Hopkins University | usa | 58325 | 9198 | 580 | Business & Management |
Morin, Alexandre J.S. | Concordia University | can | 93692 | 7098 | 581 | Business & Management |
Lyles, Marjorie A. | Florida International University | 57763 | 6751 | 582 | Business & Management | |
Weiss, Howard M. | Georgia Institute of Technology | usa | 60088 | 5052 | 583 | Business & Management |
Allen, David G. | Texas Christian University | usa | 61758 | 5691 | 584 | Business & Management |
Björkman, Ingmar | Aalto University | fin | 60112 | 5265 | 585 | Business & Management |
Lambert, Douglas M. | Fisher College of Business | usa | 59221 | 7059 | 586 | Business & Management |
Perkmann, Markus | Imperial College Business School | gbr | 60471 | 4211 | 587 | Business & Management |
Marlow, Susan | University of Birmingham | gbr | 61245 | 2975 | 588 | Business & Management |
Ganster, Daniel C. | Colorado State University | usa | 59180 | 5078 | 589 | Business & Management |
Loch, Christoph | Cambridge Judge Business School | irl | 61737 | 5211 | 590 | Business & Management |
Argyris, Chris | Harvard University | usa | 57853 | 1987 | 591 | Business & Management |
Busenitz, Lowell | Price College of Business | usa | 59104 | 6735 | 592 | Business & Management |
Coff, Russ | University of Wisconsin-Madison | usa | 58313 | 3418 | 593 | Business & Management |
King, Andrew A. | Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth | usa | 61276 | 5249 | 594 | Business & Management |
Hill, Charles | University of Washington | usa | 58852 | 6647 | 595 | Business & Management |
Semmer, Norbert K. | University of Bern | che | 69251 | 5209 | 596 | Business & Management |
Cooren, François | University of Montreal | can | 75688 | 2154 | 597 | Business & Management |
Shenhar, Aaron | Rutgers University | usa | 63014 | 3590 | 598 | Business & Management |
Corley, Kevin | Arizona State University | usa | 60505 | 9778 | 599 | Business & Management |
Danneels, Erwin | Muma College of Business | usa | 60853 | 3637 | 600 | Business & Management |
Daniels, Kevin | Norwich Business School | gbr | 74938 | 2691 | 601 | Business & Management |
Kraus, Sascha | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | ita | 74776 | 4938 | 602 | Business & Management |
Sanchez, Ron | Copenhagen Business School | dnk | 65994 | 3289 | 603 | Business & Management |
Füller, Johann | Universität Innsbruck | aut | 61649 | 4272 | 604 | Business & Management |
Geller, E. Scott | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | usa | 70542 | 2954 | 605 | Business & Management |
Sparrow, Paul | Lancaster University Management School | gbr | 69426 | 2957 | 606 | Business & Management |
Arthur, Michael B. | Suffolk University | usa | 60530 | 4515 | 607 | Business & Management |
Totterdell, Peter | The University of Sheffield | gbr | 63616 | 4345 | 608 | Business & Management |
Adler, Nancy J. | Desautels Faculty of Management | can | 63759 | 2341 | 609 | Business & Management |
Frynas, Jedrzej George | The Open University Business School | gbr | 64177 | 2999 | 610 | Business & Management |
Sørensen, Jesper B. | University of Notre Dame | usa | 60079 | 3625 | 611 | Business & Management |
Molina-Azorín, José F. | Universitat d'Alacant | esp | 65713 | 4389 | 612 | Business & Management |
Antonakis, John | Université de Lausanne (UNIL) | che | 62325 | 4682 | 613 | Business & Management |
Gottschalk, Petter | Handelshøyskolen BI | nor | 70671 | 2044 | 614 | Business & Management |
Carroll, John | MIT Sloan School of Management | usa | 62297 | 2899 | 615 | Business & Management |
Kotha, Suresh | University of Washington | usa | 60199 | 5138 | 616 | Business & Management |
Choi, Jin Nam | Seoul National University | kor | 65124 | 3404 | 617 | Business & Management |
Roberts, Edward B. | MIT Sloan School of Management | usa | 62142 | 2726 | 618 | Business & Management |
Guthrie, James P. | University of Kansas School of Business | usa | 61303 | 3945 | 619 | Business & Management |
Kacmar, K. Michele | University of South Alabama | usa | 63553 | 10027 | 620 | Business & Management |
Vandenberghe, Christian | HEC Montréal | can | 68091 | 5319 | 621 | Business & Management |
Wanous, John P. | The Ohio State University | usa | 61495 | 4724 | 622 | Business & Management |
Steers, Richard M. | University of Oregon | usa | 59045 | 8884 | 623 | Business & Management |
Carter, Sara | Adam Smith Business School | gbr | 63864 | 3634 | 624 | Business & Management |
Moorman, Robert H. | Elon University | usa | 63279 | 6865 | 625 | Business & Management |
Iansiti, Marco | Business School (HBS) | 61677 | 3910 | 626 | Business & Management | |
Galbreath, Jeremy | Curtin University | aus | 62903 | 1869 | 627 | Business & Management |
Singh, Harbir | Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida | ind | 61168 | 18602 | 628 | Business & Management |
Ramamurti, Ravi | D'Amore-McKim School of Business | usa | 64123 | 2276 | 629 | Business & Management |
McGahan, Anita M. | University of Toronto | can | 64223 | 3996 | 630 | Business & Management |
Scarbrough, Harry | City, University of London | gbr | 62692 | 4439 | 631 | Business & Management |
Ooi, Keng Boon | UCSI University | mys | 73132 | 5631 | 632 | Business & Management |
Short, Jeremy C. | University of North Texas | usa | 67342 | 4442 | 633 | Business & Management |
Li, Yuan | Tongji University | chn | 66389 | 3968 | 634 | Business & Management |
Dubey, Rameshwar | Liverpool Business School | gbr | 66743 | 6063 | 635 | Business & Management |
Eddleston, Kimberly A. | D'Amore-McKim School of Business | usa | 70099 | 5442 | 636 | Business & Management |
Brannick, Michael T. | University of South Florida, Tampa | usa | 64845 | 5447 | 637 | Business & Management |
Boje, David M. | New Mexico State University | usa | 75895 | 2223 | 638 | Business & Management |
Terziovski, Mile | Swinburne Business School | aus | 65947 | 3730 | 639 | Business & Management |
Johannisson, Bengt | Linnaeus University, Kalmar | swe | 71135 | 2298 | 640 | Business & Management |
Ritala, Paavo | LUT kauppakorkeakoulu | fin | 71901 | 3461 | 641 | Business & Management |
Ndubisi, Nelson Oly | Qatar University | qat | 71891 | 2375 | 642 | Business & Management |
McDougall, Patricia P. | Kelley School of Business | usa | 63290 | 6454 | 643 | Business & Management |
Doloreux, David | HEC Montréal | can | 73065 | 2609 | 644 | Business & Management |
Chen, Injazz J. | Cleveland State University | usa | 63492 | 5419 | 645 | Business & Management |
Reed, Mike | Cardiff Business School | gbr | 66645 | 2347 | 646 | Business & Management |
Lieberman, Marvin | UCLA Anderson School of Management | usa | 62847 | 4816 | 647 | Business & Management |
Bartram, Dave | SHL | gbr | 72591 | 2074 | 648 | Business & Management |
Sturdy, Andrew | University of Bristol | gbr | 71137 | 2732 | 649 | Business & Management |
Huy, Quy Nguyen | INSEAD, Singapore | sgp | 65332 | 3219 | 650 | Business & Management |
Adner, Ron | Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth | usa | 63980 | 3933 | 651 | Business & Management |
Crant, J. Michael | University of Notre Dame | 65697 | 5244 | 652 | Business & Management | |
Matten, Dirk | University of York | gbr | 65322 | 6320 | 653 | Business & Management |
Easterby-Smith, Mark | Lancaster University Management School | gbr | 65691 | 3545 | 654 | Business & Management |
Kuvaas, Bård | Handelshøyskolen BI | nor | 71927 | 2195 | 655 | Business & Management |
Vancouver, Jeffrey B. | Ohio University | usa | 75906 | 3879 | 656 | Business & Management |
Bititci, Umit S. | Heriot-Watt University | gbr | 72076 | 4089 | 657 | Business & Management |
Durand, Rodolphe | École des hautes études commerciales de Paris | fra | 73815 | 3851 | 658 | Business & Management |
Chiesa, Vittorio | Politecnico di Milano | ita | 70103 | 3305 | 659 | Business & Management |
Mitchell, Ronald K. | Texas Tech University | usa | 74739 | 8731 | 660 | Business & Management |
Near, Janet P. | Kelley School of Business | usa | 68515 | 5230 | 661 | Business & Management |
Becker, Thomas E. | University of South Florida, Tampa | usa | 65297 | 3906 | 662 | Business & Management |
Islam, Nazrul | Division of Computer Aided Drug Design | bgd | 66968 | 2738 | 663 | Business & Management |
Reichheld, Fred | New York Office of Bain and Company | usa | 64390 | 6867 | 664 | Business & Management |
Schoenherr, Tobias | Broad College of Business | usa | 69718 | 3594 | 665 | Business & Management |
Holmström, Jan | Aalto University | fin | 75218 | 4119 | 666 | Business & Management |
Judge, William Q. | Old Dominion University | usa | 69163 | 4110 | 667 | Business & Management |
Lewin, Arie Y. | Duke University | usa | 69004 | 5554 | 668 | Business & Management |
Scherer, Andreas Georg | Business Administration and Information Technology | 70177 | 4654 | 669 | Business & Management | |
Vecchio, Robert P. | University of Notre Dame | usa | 65051 | 2101 | 670 | Business & Management |
González-Benito, Javier | Universidad de Salamanca | esp | 68906 | 3139 | 671 | Business & Management |
Ghauri, Pervez | Birmingham Business School | gbr | 76548 | 3398 | 672 | Business & Management |
Lewis, Suzan | Middlesex University | gbr | 78271 | 2654 | 673 | Business & Management |
Wood, Donna J. | University of Northern Iowa | usa | 66324 | 7958 | 674 | Business & Management |
Turban, Daniel B. | Trulaske College of Business | usa | 69448 | 5606 | 675 | Business & Management |
Ibarra, Herminia | London Business School | gbr | 66105 | 3512 | 676 | Business & Management |
BAMBERGER, PETER A. | Tel Aviv University | isr | 73102 | 3382 | 677 | Business & Management |
Shapiro, Debra L. | University of Maryland, College Park | usa | 69910 | 6655 | 678 | Business & Management |
Eden, Lorraine | Texas A&M University | usa | 69474 | 7466 | 679 | Business & Management |
Zellweger, Thomas | University of St. Gallen | che | 74257 | 4054 | 680 | Business & Management |
Hargadon, Andrew | UCI Paul Merage School of Business | usa | 66528 | 5274 | 681 | Business & Management |
Carlile, Paul | Questrom School of Business | usa | 74201 | 4543 | 682 | Business & Management |
Siu, Oi Ling | Lingnan University, Hong Kong | hkg | 76736 | 3770 | 683 | Business & Management |
Gann, David M. | University of Oxford | 68530 | 5611 | 684 | Business & Management | |
Simpson, Ruth | Brunel University London | gbr | 77648 | 2062 | 685 | Business & Management |
Levy, David L. | University of Massachusetts System | usa | 69066 | 3378 | 686 | Business & Management |
Chase, Richard B. | USC Marshall School of Business | usa | 69848 | 3075 | 687 | Business & Management |
Zsidisin, George A. | College of Business Administration | usa | 67967 | 3480 | 688 | Business & Management |
Bendoly, Elliot | Fisher College of Business | usa | 76863 | 2804 | 689 | Business & Management |
Liñán, Francisco | Universidad de Sevilla | esp | 72919 | 4493 | 690 | Business & Management |
Heracleous, Loizos | University of Warwick | gbr | 77834 | 2322 | 691 | Business & Management |
Ingram, Paul | Columbia Business School | usa | 69265 | 5892 | 692 | Business & Management |
Li, Peter Ping | Copenhagen Business School | dnk | 88486 | 1519 | 693 | Business & Management |
Lin, Binshan | Louisiana State University in Shreveport | usa | 75194 | 6003 | 694 | Business & Management |
Pinto, Jeffrey | Penn State Behrend | usa | 70347 | 3456 | 695 | Business & Management |
Holton, Elwood F. | Louisiana State University | usa | 73375 | 2372 | 696 | Business & Management |
Van Vianen, Annelies | Universiteit van Amsterdam | nld | 77042 | 4383 | 697 | Business & Management |
Huber, George P. | McCombs School of Business | usa | 67909 | 3317 | 698 | Business & Management |
Gong, Yaping | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | hkg | 69907 | 4002 | 699 | Business & Management |
Combs, James G. | University of Central Florida | usa | 69785 | 5536 | 700 | Business & Management |
Astrachan, Joseph H. | Kennesaw State University | usa | 75898 | 4314 | 701 | Business & Management |
Doz, Yves | INSEAD, Europe | fra | 73792 | 3534 | 702 | Business & Management |
Loo, Robert | University of Lethbridge | can | 70672 | 1664 | 703 | Business & Management |
Hinds, Pamela J. | Stanford University | usa | 70729 | 4320 | 704 | Business & Management |
Hisrich, Robert D. | Kent State University | usa | 72156 | 4097 | 705 | Business & Management |
Paul, Justin | Universidad de Puerto Rico | usa | 94747 | 2759 | 706 | Business & Management |
Lam, Simon S.K. | HKU Business School | hkg | 71029 | 4195 | 707 | Business & Management |
Rhodes, Carl | UTS Business School | aus | 83436 | 2563 | 708 | Business & Management |
Harland, Christine | Politecnico di Milano | ita | 71287 | 3268 | 709 | Business & Management |
Minniti, Maria | Syracuse University | usa | 73734 | 4009 | 710 | Business & Management |
Kilduff, Martin | UCL School of Management | gbr | 73879 | 4699 | 711 | Business & Management |
Williams, Larry J. | University of Nebraska–Lincoln | usa | 69721 | 8864 | 712 | Business & Management |
O'Connor, Gina | Babson College | usa | 70569 | 3427 | 713 | Business & Management |
Dale, B. | The University of Manchester | gbr | 73571 | 4364 | 714 | Business & Management |
Argyres, Nicholas | Olin Business School | usa | 74693 | 3089 | 715 | Business & Management |
Collings, David G. | DCU Business School | irl | 82456 | 3143 | 716 | Business & Management |
Huxham, Chris | University of Strathclyde | gbr | 73515 | 3196 | 717 | Business & Management |
Heras-Saizarbitoria, Iñaki | Universidad del Pais Vasco | esp | 86164 | 3038 | 718 | Business & Management |
Sydow, Jörg | Freie Universität Berlin | deu | 76928 | 4432 | 719 | Business & Management |
Weaver, Gary R. | University of Delaware | usa | 71611 | 4735 | 720 | Business & Management |
Nicholson, Nigel | London Business School | gbr | 73379 | 2279 | 721 | Business & Management |
Kaplan, Sarah | Rotman School of Management | can | 73276 | 3175 | 722 | Business & Management |
McKelvey, Bill | UCLA Anderson School of Management | usa | 79776 | 3177 | 723 | Business & Management |
Baines, Tim | Aston Business School | gbr | 76124 | 5110 | 724 | Business & Management |
Fineman, Stephen | University of Bath | gbr | 72264 | 1875 | 725 | Business & Management |
Krause, Daniel | Portland State University | usa | 73222 | 4421 | 726 | Business & Management |
Orlitzky, Marc | Massey University Auckland | nzl | 73468 | 5181 | 727 | Business & Management |
Holman, David | Alliance Manchester Business School | gbr | 77132 | 3470 | 728 | Business & Management |
Michailova, Snejina | The University of Auckland Business School | nzl | 78409 | 3271 | 729 | Business & Management |
Maitlis, Sally | University of Oxford, Saïd Business School | gbr | 71932 | 4273 | 730 | Business & Management |
Klein, Katherine J. | University of Pennsylvania | usa | 71054 | 8604 | 731 | Business & Management |
Paulraj, Antony | University of Nottingham Ningbo China | chn | 72455 | 5045 | 732 | Business & Management |
Hoegl, Martin | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | deu | 75586 | 4458 | 733 | Business & Management |
Armstrong-Stassen, Marjorie | Odette School of Business | can | 75268 | 1870 | 734 | Business & Management |
Clarke, Sharon | Alliance Manchester Business School | gbr | 74941 | 2166 | 735 | Business & Management |
van Witteloostuijn, Arjen | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | nld | 94456 | 5829 | 736 | Business & Management |
Rahman, Shams | RMIT University | aus | 76649 | 2757 | 737 | Business & Management |
Keller, Robert T. | University of Houston | usa | 71871 | 2654 | 738 | Business & Management |
Gambardella, Alfonso | Centre for Economic Policy Research, London | gbr | 75339 | 4435 | 739 | Business & Management |
Whetten, David | Brigham Young University | usa | 74332 | 3748 | 740 | Business & Management |
Simsek, Zeki | Clemson University | usa | 73579 | 4560 | 741 | Business & Management |
Bechky, Beth A. | Leonard N. Stern School of Business | usa | 74791 | 3552 | 742 | Business & Management |
Sundbo, Jon | Roskilde Universitet | dnk | 77335 | 2166 | 743 | Business & Management |
Hulin, Charles L. | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | usa | 72826 | 4446 | 744 | Business & Management |
Mirvis, Philip H. | GNCC and Babson Lewis Institute | usa | 77381 | 2240 | 745 | Business & Management |
Ehrhart, Mark G. | University of Central Florida | usa | 81028 | 4420 | 746 | Business & Management |
Cousins, Paul | University of Liverpool | gbr | 77186 | 4292 | 747 | Business & Management |
Bettis, Richard A. | UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School | usa | 72953 | 4586 | 748 | Business & Management |
Searcy, Cory | Ryerson University | can | 84856 | 4044 | 749 | Business & Management |
Maurer, Todd | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | usa | 77669 | 2395 | 750 | Business & Management |
Roth, Aleda V. | Clemson University | usa | 80078 | 7138 | 751 | Business & Management |
Hayton, James | Warwick Business School | gbr | 74996 | 4317 | 752 | Business & Management |
Porter, Lyman W. | UCI Paul Merage School of Business | usa | 72576 | 5968 | 753 | Business & Management |
Rowley, Timothy J. | Rotman School of Management | can | 75940 | 4635 | 754 | Business & Management |
Hassard, John | Alliance Manchester Business School | gbr | 82756 | 2628 | 755 | Business & Management |
Tracey, Paul | University of Melbourne | nld | 74537 | 4464 | 756 | Business & Management |
Oliver, Christine | York University | can | 73380 | 3831 | 757 | Business & Management |
Terjesen, Siri | NHH Norwegian School of Economics | nor | 79560 | 4203 | 758 | Business & Management |
Rahim, M. Afzalur | Western Kentucky University | usa | 74381 | 2177 | 759 | Business & Management |
Baden-Fuller, Charles | City University of London, Cass Business School | gbr | 76056 | 5346 | 760 | Business & Management |
Spicer, André | City University of London, Cass Business School | gbr | 78970 | 4567 | 761 | Business & Management |
Madu, Christian | Pace University | usa | 81730 | 3052 | 762 | Business & Management |
Konrad, Alison M. | Ivey Business School | can | 81333 | 3203 | 763 | Business & Management |
Miller, Kent D. | Michigan State University | usa | 79399 | 2946 | 764 | Business & Management |
Byron, Kris | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | usa | 74617 | 3053 | 765 | Business & Management |
Morgan, Glenn | University of Bristol | gbr | 84512 | 2201 | 766 | Business & Management |
Javidan, Mansour | Arizona State University | usa | 78039 | 4709 | 767 | Business & Management |
Watson, John | The University of Western Australia | aus | 78267 | 2744 | 768 | Business & Management |
Oreg, Shaul | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | isr | 79634 | 3055 | 769 | Business & Management |
Avey, James | Central Washington University | usa | 76899 | 7587 | 770 | Business & Management |
Cunha, Miguel Pina e. | Nova School of Business and Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa | prt | 92560 | 4099 | 771 | Business & Management |
Sutton, Robert I. | Stanford University | usa | 74839 | 6259 | 772 | Business & Management |
Koufteros, Xenophon | Texas A&M University | usa | 82392 | 3470 | 773 | Business & Management |
Fleishman, Edwin A. | American Institutes for Research - Headquarters | usa | 80055 | 2440 | 774 | Business & Management |
Emiliani, Michael | University of Rhode Island | usa | 87337 | 1370 | 775 | Business & Management |
Hall, Jeremy K. | University of Sussex | gbr | 84055 | 3031 | 776 | Business & Management |
Newman, Daniel A. | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | usa | 82993 | 4062 | 777 | Business & Management |
Arvey, Richard | NUS Business School | sgp | 80461 | 3668 | 778 | Business & Management |
Vickery, Shawnee K. | Broad College of Business | usa | 76338 | 5102 | 779 | Business & Management |
Styhre, Alexander | Göteborgs Universitet | swe | 80709 | 1757 | 780 | Business & Management |
Weingart, Laurie R. | Tepper School of Business | usa | 81363 | 5279 | 781 | Business & Management |
Schwenk, Charles R. | Indiana University Bloomington | usa | 75770 | 2302 | 782 | Business & Management |
Dacin, M. Tina | Queen’s University | can | 77206 | 6379 | 783 | Business & Management |
Lee, Ki Hoon | Griffith Business School | aus | 86920 | 2103 | 784 | Business & Management |
Nicholls, Alex | University of Oxford, Saïd Business School | gbr | 79988 | 2230 | 785 | Business & Management |
Koh, S. C.Lenny | The University of Sheffield | gbr | 93211 | 5822 | 786 | Business & Management |
Rupp, Deborah E. | Purdue University | usa | 84287 | 8456 | 787 | Business & Management |
Morris, Scott B. | Illinois Institute of Technology | usa | 77788 | 4082 | 788 | Business & Management |
Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A.M. | California State University, San Bernardino | usa | 78927 | 3283 | 789 | Business & Management |
Atwater, Leanne | C. T. Bauer College of Business | usa | 81635 | 5557 | 790 | Business & Management |
Walsh, James P. | Stephen M. Ross School of Business | usa | 77021 | 4492 | 791 | Business & Management |
Rae, David | De Montfort University | gbr | 81187 | 1894 | 792 | Business & Management |
Elkington, John | SustainAbility Ltd | gbr | 77055 | 3209 | 793 | Business & Management |
Certo, S. Trevis | W. P. Carey School of Business | usa | 82285 | 5842 | 794 | Business & Management |
Cox, Andrew | University of Birmingham | gbr | 79493 | 2206 | 795 | Business & Management |
Puffer, Sheila M. | Northeastern University | usa | 91841 | 2364 | 796 | Business & Management |
Sandberg, Jörgen | University of Warwick | gbr | 81548 | 3309 | 797 | Business & Management |
Morris, Michael H. | University of Notre Dame | usa | 83579 | 5305 | 798 | Business & Management |
Mair, Johanna | Hertie School of Governance GmbH | deu | 80071 | 5567 | 799 | Business & Management |
Breaugh, James A. | University of Missouri-St. Louis | usa | 79514 | 2291 | 800 | Business & Management |
Kajikawa, Yuya | The University of Tokyo | jpn | 92450 | 2679 | 801 | Business & Management |
Ellis, Paul D. | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | hkg | 81519 | 2009 | 802 | Business & Management |
Ashcraft, Karen | University of Colorado Boulder | usa | 87484 | 2052 | 803 | Business & Management |
DeNisi, Angelo | Tulane University | usa | 81436 | 5741 | 804 | Business & Management |
Donaldson, Lex | UNSW Sydney | aus | 86203 | 4381 | 805 | Business & Management |
Nielsen, Karina | Sheffield University Management School | gbr | 94763 | 3300 | 806 | Business & Management |
Brass, Daniel J. | Gatton College of Business and Economics | usa | 83130 | 7833 | 807 | Business & Management |
Steier, Lloyd P. | University of Alberta | can | 86599 | 3348 | 808 | Business & Management |
Vandewalle, Don | SMU Cox School of Business | usa | 79409 | 4021 | 809 | Business & Management |
Bergh, Donald D. | University of Denver | usa | 83296 | 2357 | 810 | Business & Management |
van Praag, Mirjam | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | nld | 81979 | 4583 | 811 | Business & Management |
Sullivan, Sherry E. | Bowling Green State University | usa | 86141 | 3282 | 812 | Business & Management |
Seibert, Scott | Rutgers University–New Brunswick | usa | 80459 | 7798 | 813 | Business & Management |
Fombrun, Charles J. | Leonard N. Stern School of Business | usa | 79092 | 2811 | 814 | Business & Management |
Sinclair, Amanda | Melbourne Business School | aus | 83614 | 1674 | 815 | Business & Management |
Barrick, Murray R. | Mays Business School | usa | 79101 | 14618 | 816 | Business & Management |
Kinnunen, Ulla | Tampereen Yliopisto | fin | 93880 | 6523 | 817 | Business & Management |
Daugherty, Patricia J. | Debbie and Jerry Ivy College of Business | usa | 81202 | 4509 | 818 | Business & Management |
Song, Michael | University of Missouri-Kansas City | usa | 81991 | 9204 | 819 | Business & Management |
Martin, Robin | Alliance Manchester Business School | gbr | 92414 | 3238 | 820 | Business & Management |
Piller, Frank T. | Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen | deu | 86191 | 4195 | 821 | Business & Management |
Conway, James M. | Central Connecticut State University | usa | 80423 | 3842 | 822 | Business & Management |
Tallman, Stephen | University of Richmond | usa | 81503 | 4236 | 823 | Business & Management |
Bowling, Nathan A. | Wright State University | usa | 83776 | 3712 | 824 | Business & Management |
Cox, Tom | School of Business, Economics and Informatics | gbr | 86984 | 3904 | 825 | Business & Management |
Park, Yongtae | Seoul National University | kor | 87182 | 5806 | 826 | Business & Management |
King, Brayden G. | Northwestern University | usa | 88242 | 2886 | 827 | Business & Management |
Gupta, Anil K. | Robert H. Smith School of Business | usa | 79653 | 7058 | 828 | Business & Management |
Jackson, Michael C. | University of Hull | gbr | 86010 | 1642 | 829 | Business & Management |
Johnson, Gerry | Lancaster University Management School | gbr | 82920 | 3932 | 830 | Business & Management |
Griffeth, Rodger W. | Ohio University | usa | 81637 | 7582 | 831 | Business & Management |
Simonin, Bernard L. | Tufts University | usa | 80571 | 3705 | 832 | Business & Management |
Meade, Adam W. | NC State University | usa | 84720 | 3966 | 833 | Business & Management |
Srivastava, Samir K. | Indian Institute of Management Lucknow | ind | 86067 | 3189 | 834 | Business & Management |
Ettlie, John | DePaul University | usa | 82724 | 2458 | 835 | Business & Management |
Townley, Barbara | University of St Andrews | gbr | 82248 | 2208 | 836 | Business & Management |
Wang, Catherine L. | Brunel Business School | gbr | 80823 | 3403 | 837 | Business & Management |
Green, Stephen | Krannert School of Management | usa | 81836 | 5126 | 838 | Business & Management |
Battilana, Julie | John F. Kennedy School of Government | usa | 83648 | 4275 | 839 | Business & Management |
Stam, Erik | Utrecht University | nld | 87171 | 2529 | 840 | Business & Management |
Venkataraman, S. | Darden School of Business | 81295 | 8754 | 841 | Business & Management | |
Zeleny, Milan | Univerzita Tomase Bati ve Zline | cze | 90039 | 1325 | 842 | Business & Management |
Allen, Thomas J. | Stanford University | usa | 83789 | 4058 | 843 | Business & Management |
Liedtka, Jeanne | University of Virginia | usa | 81785 | 1822 | 844 | Business & Management |
Chetty, Sylvie | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | fin | 86407 | 3001 | 845 | Business & Management |
Coghlan, David | Trinity Business School | irl | 121161 | 2243 | 846 | Business & Management |
Smith, Wendy K. | University of Delaware | usa | 84021 | 5790 | 847 | Business & Management |
Kristof-Brown, A. L. | Henry B. Tippie College of Business | usa | 84405 | 5012 | 848 | Business & Management |
Ribeiro-Soriano, D. Enrique | Universitat de València | esp | 94408 | 2653 | 849 | Business & Management |
Elsbach, Kimberly D. | University of California | usa | 84610 | 2873 | 850 | Business & Management |
Kamoche, Ken | Nottingham University Business School | gbr | 92167 | 1710 | 851 | Business & Management |
DeShon, Richard P. | Michigan State University | usa | 86825 | 3712 | 852 | Business & Management |
Peltokorpi, Vesa | Hiroshima University | jpn | 97534 | 1677 | 853 | Business & Management |
Devinney, Timothy | Alliance Manchester Business School | gbr | 84049 | 5255 | 854 | Business & Management |
Walumbwa, Fred O. | Florida International University | usa | 88373 | 10250 | 855 | Business & Management |
Clark, Kim B. | Harvard Business School | usa | 82612 | 4972 | 856 | Business & Management |
Suki, Norazah Mohd | Universiti Utara Malaysia | mys | 93901 | 1533 | 857 | Business & Management |
De Massis, Alfredo | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | ita | 119051 | 4101 | 858 | Business & Management |
Howell, Jane | The University of Western Ontario | can | 83475 | 6851 | 859 | Business & Management |
Thomas, Howard | Singapore Management University | sgp | 92990 | 4721 | 860 | Business & Management |
Klein, Howard J. | Fisher College of Business | usa | 90599 | 4100 | 861 | Business & Management |
Ebrahim, Alnoor | Harvard Business School | usa | 84194 | 2171 | 862 | Business & Management |
Lamming, Richard | Alliance Manchester Business School | gbr | 88738 | 3968 | 863 | Business & Management |
Huo, Baofeng | Tianjin University | chn | 95369 | 4687 | 864 | Business & Management |
Chen, Xiao Ping | University of Washington | usa | 86852 | 4752 | 865 | Business & Management |
Trkman, Peter | Univerza v Ljubljani Ekonomska Fakulteta | svn | 91888 | 2797 | 866 | Business & Management |
Martocchio, Joseph J. | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | usa | 85435 | 3166 | 867 | Business & Management |
Motwani, Jaideep | Grand Valley State University | usa | 85605 | 2836 | 868 | Business & Management |
Honig, Benson | McMaster University | can | 93892 | 4672 | 869 | Business & Management |
Ralston, David A. | University Fellows International Research Consortium | usa | 97326 | 4032 | 870 | Business & Management |
Simons, Tony | Cornell University School of Hotel Administration | usa | 92012 | 3736 | 871 | Business & Management |
Jones, Thomas M. | University of Washington | usa | 85644 | 4945 | 872 | Business & Management |
Kanungo, R. N. | Université McGill | can | 84776 | 3031 | 873 | Business & Management |
Chen, Chung Jen | National Taiwan University | twn | 87811 | 2749 | 874 | Business & Management |
Karapetrovic, S. | University of Alberta | can | 106959 | 2433 | 875 | Business & Management |
Rivkin, Jan W. | Strategy Unit | 86186 | 4261 | 876 | Business & Management | |
Delery, John E. | University of Arkansas | usa | 85830 | 4812 | 877 | Business & Management |
Fotaki, Marianna | Warwick Business School | gbr | 103030 | 1363 | 878 | Business & Management |
Sanders, Nada | Northeastern University | usa | 85651 | 2121 | 879 | Business & Management |
Gawer, Annabelle | Surrey Business School | gbr | 86499 | 3491 | 880 | Business & Management |
Silverman, Brian S. | University of Toronto | can | 89177 | 6686 | 881 | Business & Management |
Thomke, Stefan | Harvard Business School | usa | 86312 | 2961 | 882 | Business & Management |
Miles, Ian Douglas | National Research University Higher School of Economics | rus | 92913 | 2083 | 883 | Business & Management |
McEvily, Bill | Rotman School of Management | can | 85764 | 10389 | 884 | Business & Management |
Lu, Jane | City University of Hong Kong | hkg | 87155 | 3662 | 885 | Business & Management |
Wincent, Joakim | University of St. Gallen | che | 106506 | 4272 | 886 | Business & Management |
Fiedler, F. E. | University of Washington | usa | 90428 | 1704 | 887 | Business & Management |
Suutari, Vesa | Vaasan Yliopisto | fin | 100583 | 2311 | 888 | Business & Management |
MURRAY, FIONA | MIT Sloan School of Management | usa | 89258 | 2624 | 889 | Business & Management |
Vince, Russ | University of Bath | gbr | 101152 | 1639 | 890 | Business & Management |
Newbert, Scott L. | Baruch College | usa | 87173 | 2570 | 891 | Business & Management |
Joshi, Aparna | Pennsylvania State University | usa | 88477 | 5317 | 892 | Business & Management |
Mumby, Dennis K. | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | usa | 88115 | 1763 | 893 | Business & Management |
Cardon, Melissa S. | Haslam College of Business | usa | 91887 | 3767 | 894 | Business & Management |
Kluger, Avraham N. | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | 93948 | 5554 | 895 | Business & Management | |
Hatch, Mary Jo | University of Virginia | usa | 88416 | 3070 | 896 | Business & Management |
Forrester, Jay W. | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | usa | 86246 | 1666 | 897 | Business & Management |
Makadok, Richard | Purdue University | usa | 89663 | 2235 | 898 | Business & Management |
Kanji, Gopal K. | Sheffield Hallam University | gbr | 90406 | 1799 | 900 | Business & Management |
Reagans, Ray E. | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | usa | 90701 | 6204 | 902 | Business & Management |
Schmenner, Roger | Kelley School of Business | usa | 91024 | 2233 | 903 | Business & Management |
Ahmed, Pervaiz Khalid | Monash University Malaysia | mys | 90301 | 4352 | 904 | Business & Management |
Park, Seung Ho | Nanyang Business School | sgp | 89440 | 4664 | 905 | Business & Management |
Burgelman, Robert A. | Stanford University | usa | 88532 | 2462 | 906 | Business & Management |
Niosi, Jorge | Université du Québec à Montréal | can | 97544 | 1636 | 907 | Business & Management |
Hart, Stuart L. | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | usa | 90632 | 6623 | 908 | Business & Management |
Wu, Yenchun Jim | National Taiwan Normal University | twn | 97205 | 3030 | 909 | Business & Management |
Hoskisson, Robert E. | Rice University | usa | 91120 | 14116 | 910 | Business & Management |
Roberts, Karlene H. | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business | usa | 89399 | 2713 | 912 | Business & Management |
Oxley, Joanne | Rotman School of Management | can | 88932 | 5045 | 913 | Business & Management |
Tsai, Kuen Hung | National Taipei University | twn | 94997 | 2048 | 915 | Business & Management |
Jackson, Gregory | Freie Universität Berlin | deu | 92323 | 4286 | 916 | Business & Management |
Sonenshein, Scott | Rice University | usa | 95500 | 3045 | 917 | Business & Management |
Folta, Timothy B. | University of Connecticut | usa | 92745 | 4166 | 920 | Business & Management |
Barczak, Gloria | Northeastern University | usa | 90398 | 2702 | 921 | Business & Management |
Dougherty, Deborah | Rutgers University–New Brunswick | usa | 91295 | 2836 | 923 | Business & Management |
Gutek, Barbara A. | The University of Arizona | usa | 91537 | 2802 | 924 | Business & Management |
Bozionelos, Nikos | EMLYON Business School | fra | 95384 | 1742 | 925 | Business & Management |
Gemünden, Hans Georg | Technical University of Berlin | deu | 95169 | 3858 | 926 | Business & Management |
Fiet, James O. | University of Louisville | usa | 92638 | 2527 | 927 | Business & Management |
Sturgeon, Timothy J. | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | usa | 94206 | 5221 | 928 | Business & Management |
Bobko, Philip | Virginia Tech, Pamplin College of Business | usa | 96074 | 3460 | 929 | Business & Management |
Katila, Riitta | Stanford University | usa | 91894 | 5246 | 930 | Business & Management |
Price, James L. | University of Iowa | usa | 91414 | 3375 | 934 | Business & Management |
Becker, Markus C. | Syddansk Universitet | dnk | 94565 | 2088 | 935 | Business & Management |
Diefendorff, James M. | University of Akron | usa | 94866 | 4360 | 936 | Business & Management |
Kahn, Kenneth B. | Cleveland State University | usa | 92524 | 2733 | 937 | Business & Management |
Sharfman, Mark | Price College of Business | usa | 92312 | 3014 | 938 | Business & Management |
Appelbaum, Steven H. | John Molson School of Business | can | 97013 | 2408 | 939 | Business & Management |
Skarlicki, Daniel | UBC Sauder School of Business | can | 95098 | 5263 | 941 | Business & Management |
Toffel, Michael W. | Harvard Business School | usa | 93007 | 4149 | 943 | Business & Management |
Rothbard, Nancy P. | Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania | usa | 94974 | 3955 | 944 | Business & Management |
Godfrey, Paul C. | BYU Marriott School of Business | usa | 92121 | 3254 | 945 | Business & Management |
Yagil, Dana | University of Haifa | isr | 97086 | 1573 | 946 | Business & Management |
Cable, Daniel M. | London Business School | gbr | 93257 | 10232 | 947 | Business & Management |
Richard, Orlando C. | University of Massachusetts Amherst | usa | 95727 | 2541 | 948 | Business & Management |
Bauer, Talya N. | Portland State University | usa | 98775 | 5002 | 949 | Business & Management |
Afuah, Allan | University of Michigan | 94653 | 2888 | 950 | Business & Management | |
Thompson, Edmund R. | University of Bath, School of Management | gbr | 97419 | 2036 | 951 | Business & Management |
Power, Damien | University of Groningen | nld | 98343 | 2762 | 952 | Business & Management |
Krueger, N. | Entrepreneurship Northwest | usa | 96554 | 4497 | 953 | Business & Management |
McKinnon, Alan | Kühne Logistics University | deu | 97706 | 1913 | 954 | Business & Management |
Kumar, Nirmalya | Tata Sons | ind | 93103 | 5557 | 955 | Business & Management |
Manz, Charles C. | Isenberg School of Management | usa | 99161 | 3118 | 957 | Business & Management |
Wall, Toby D. | Leeds University Business School | gbr | 95760 | 8506 | 958 | Business & Management |
Bhatt, Ganesh D. | Morgan State University | usa | 93163 | 2315 | 959 | Business & Management |
Lam, Alice | Royal Holloway, University of London | gbr | 94598 | 2126 | 961 | Business & Management |
Ackoff, Russell L. | Sudbury Valley School | usa | 93204 | 1485 | 963 | Business & Management |
Jung, Dong Il | Yonsei University | kor | 94783 | 5541 | 965 | Business & Management |
Miles, Raymond E. | UC Berkeley Haas School of Business | usa | 95886 | 4775 | 966 | Business & Management |
De Brentani, Ulrike | University of Sussex | gbr | 97379 | 2491 | 969 | Business & Management |
Kraimer, Maria L. | Rutgers University–New Brunswick | usa | 95531 | 7717 | 972 | Business & Management |
Deeds, David L. | University of St. | usa | 95697 | 5192 | 973 | Business & Management |
Marquis, Christopher | Cornell University | usa | 98567 | 3355 | 974 | Business & Management |
Boudreau, John | USC Marshall School of Business | usa | 99685 | 4499 | 975 | Business & Management |
Govindarajan, Vijay | Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business | usa | 94537 | 5051 | 977 | Business & Management |
Almeida, Paul | McDonough School of Business | usa | 96401 | 5110 | 979 | Business & Management |
Takeuchi, Riki | The University of Texas at Dallas | usa | 98821 | 3886 | 980 | Business & Management |
Mowday, Richard T. | University of Oregon | usa | 95793 | 6989 | 981 | Business & Management |
Kim, Linsu | Korea University | kor | 96418 | 2240 | 985 | Business & Management |
Tarí, Juan José | Universitat d'Alacant | esp | 96732 | 3019 | 986 | Business & Management |
Amason, Allen C. | Georgia Southern University | usa | 96635 | 3399 | 987 | Business & Management |
Rumelt, Richard P. | UCLA Anderson School of Management | usa | 95834 | 3446 | 989 | Business & Management |
Barnett, Tim R. | Eastern New Mexico University | usa | 99572 | 3939 | 993 | Business & Management |
Pearce, Jone L. | University of California, Irvine | usa | 97512 | 4411 | 998 | Business & Management |
Nair, Anand | Broad College of Business | usa | 99299 | 2675 | 1002 | Business & Management |
Chakrabarti, Alok K. | New Jersey Institute of Technology | usa | 99006 | 3285 | 1005 | Business & Management |
Mossholder, Kevin W. | Auburn University | usa | 98693 | 4817 | 1007 | Business & Management |
Ambrose, Maureen L. | University of Central Florida | usa | 98870 | 3989 | 1016 | Business & Management |
Lengnick-Hall, Cynthia A. | The University of Texas at San Antonio | usa | 98731 | 2619 | 1020 | Business & Management |
Blackler, Frank | Lancaster University | gbr | 98893 | 2573 | 1021 | Business & Management |
Brammer, Stephen | University of Bath, School of Management | gbr | 99250 | 6733 | 1029 | Business & Management |
Goleman, Daniel J. | New York Times | usa | 98970 | 2282 | 1030 | Business & Management |
Pelled, Lisa Hope | RAND Corporation | usa | 99519 | 4038 | 1033 | Business & Management |
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