2021 Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate (Web of Science) (Computer Science)

The list of 2021 Highly Cited Researchers is revealed exclusively by experts from the Institute for Scientific Information [1]. According to Web of Science [2], the list includes pioneers in their disciplines, as proven by numerous highly-cited articles that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year. It has been almost a decade since the Highly Referenced Researchers list was established to identify researchers and social scientists throughout the world who have made an impact on their fields via the publishing of many publications widely cited by their peers. This article reviews Web of Science studies from Computer Science perspective. A total of 111 researchers are included in this list; Figure 1 represents the location of these researchers on the world map.  As we can see that the highest number of top 1% most cited scientists are from China. Figure 2 represents the exact number of researchers according to their locations.

Figure 1: Most 2021 Highly Cited Researchers with respect to Geographical Locations
Figure 2: Most 2021 Highly Cited Researchers with respect to their Countries

Figure 3 represents the selected researchers according to their affiliations.  As we can see from figure 3, most of the researchers in the top 1% of most Influential Scientists (i.e. total 5) are from King Abdulaziz University and Swinburne University of Technology.

Figure 3: Most 2021 Highly Cited Researchers with respect to their affiliations

Table 1: List of 2021 Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate (WoS) (Computer Science)

First NameLast NamePrimary AffiliationCountry
U. RajendraAcharyaNgee Ann Polytechnic Singapore
Ian F.AkyildizTRUVA Inc. United States
IbrahimAljarahUniversity of Jordan Jordan
Jeffrey G.AndrewsUniversity of Texas Austin United States
MehdiBennisUniversity of Oulu Finland
EmilBjörnsonLinkoping University Sweden
RajkumarBuyyaUniversity of Melbourne Australia
XingjuanCaiTaiyuan University of Science & Technology China Mainland
GiuseppeCaireTechnical University of Berlin Germany
JindeCaoSoutheast University - China China Mainland
C. L. PhilipChenSouth China University of Technology China Mainland
JinjunChenSwinburne University of Technology Australia
MinChenHuazhong University of Science & Technology China Mainland
XiaofengChenXidian University China Mainland
FranciscoChiclanaUniversity of Granada Spain
ZhihuaCuiTaiyuan University of Science & Technology China Mainland
LinglongDaiTsinghua University China Mainland
MerouaneDebbahUniversite Paris Saclay France
YongDengUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of China China Mainland
ZhiguoDingUniversity of Manchester United Kingdom
MianxiongDongMuroran Institute of Technology Japan
YuchengDongSichuan University China Mainland
MagedElkashlanUniversity of London United Kingdom
Zubair Md.FadlullahTohoku University Japan
HossamFarisUniversity of Jordan Jordan
GiancarloFortinoUniversity of Calabria Italy
HamidoFujitaUniversity of Granada Spain
Erik G.LarssonLinkoping University Sweden
Amir H.GandomiUniversity of Technology Sydney Australia
XiaohuaGeSwinburne University of Technology Australia
MohsenGuizaniUniversity of Idaho United States
SongGuoHong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong
HaraldHaasUniversity of Strathclyde United Kingdom
YukiHagiwaraHochschule Esslingen Germany
Qing-LongHanSwinburne University of Technology Australia
ZhuHanUniversity of Houston System United States
LajosHanzoUniversity of Southampton United Kingdom
DebiaoHeWuhan University China Mainland
Robert W.HeathNorth Carolina State University United States
FranciscoHerreraUniversity of Granada Spain
EnriqueHerrera-ViedmaUniversity of Granada Spain
EkramHossainUniversity of Manitoba Canada
Guang-BinHuangNanyang Technological University Singapore
KaibinHuangUniversity of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Thomas J. R.HughesUniversity of Texas System United States
YaochuJinUniversity of Surrey United Kingdom
NeiKatoTohoku University Japan
NeerajKumarKing Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia
ArunKumar SangaiahVellore Institute of Technology India
Victor C. M.LeungShenzhen University China Mainland
Geoffrey YeLiImperial College London United Kingdom
HongyiLiGuangdong University of Technology China Mainland
JinLiGuangzhou University China Mainland
XuelongLiNorthwestern Polytechnical University China Mainland
YongmingLiLiaoning University of Technology China Mainland
HuchangLiaoSichuan University China Mainland
ChongLinQingdao University China Mainland
Yan-JunLiuLiaoning University of Technology China Mainland
YuanweiLiuQueen Mary University London United Kingdom
WenjingLouVirginia Polytechnic Institute & State University United States
MajdiMafarjaKing Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia
LuisMartinezUniversidad de Jaen Spain
Thomas L.MarzettaNew York University United States
SeyedaliMirjaliliKing Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia
Andreas F.MolischUniversity of Southern California United States
Derrick Wing KwanNgUniversity of New South Wales Sydney Australia
HungNguyen-XuanChina Medical University Taiwan Taiwan
ZhaolongNingChongqing University of Posts & Telecommunications China Mainland
DusitNiyatoNanyang Technological University Singapore
KaoruOtaMuroran Institute of Technology Japan
Ju HyunParkYeungnam University South Korea
MugenPengBeijing University of Posts & Telecommunications China Mainland
H. VincentPoorPrinceton University United States
LianyongQiQufu Normal University China Mainland
TimonRabczukKing Saud University Saudi Arabia
Kim-KwangRaymond ChooUniversity of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) United States
KuiRenZhejiang University China Mainland
WalidSaadVirginia Polytechnic Institute & State University United States
RobertSchoberUniversity of Erlangen Nuremberg Germany
LingShaoInception Institute of Artificial Intelligence United Arab Emirates
Xuemin (Sherman)ShenUniversity of Waterloo Canada
PengShiUniversity of Adelaide Australia
Ponnuthurai N.SuganthanNanyang Technological University Singapore
XingmingSunNanjing University of Information Science & Technology China Mainland
TarikTalebAalto University Finland
Jen HongTanNational University of Singapore Singapore
DachengTaoUniversity of Sydney Australia
ShaochengTongLiaoning University of Technology China Mainland
Athanasios V.VasilakosUniversity of Technology Sydney Australia
ShaohuaWanKing Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia
HuanqingWangKing Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia
PingWangNanyang Technological University Singapore
QingqingWuUniversity of Macau Macau
Zheng-GuangWuZhejiang University China Mainland
YangXiangSwinburne University of Technology Australia
XiaolongXuNanjing University of Information Science & Technology China Mainland
ZeshuiXuSichuan University China Mainland
Xin-SheYangMiddlesex University United Kingdom
FeiYuShenzhen University China Mainland
SheraliZeadallyUniversity of Kentucky United States
XiangxiangZengHunan University China Mainland
YongZengSoutheast University - China China Mainland
JianmingZhanHubei Minzu University China Mainland
HaijunZhangUniversity of Science & Technology Beijing China Mainland
RuiZhangNational University of Singapore Singapore
Xian-MingZhangSwinburne University of Technology Australia
XuyunZhangMacquarie University Australia
YanZhangUniversity of Oslo Norway
XiaoyingZhuangChina Medical University Taiwan Taiwan
QuanZouUniversity of Electronic Science & Technology of China China Mainland


  1. https://clarivate.com/highly-cited-researchers/highly-cited-researchers-2021-executive-summary/?fbclid=IwAR1c6DfTBFYei4Xl1gbCvwWI_8kXpXWhSIiZhgS5MO-2Fq5pH6i2cKv13I4
  2. https://recognition.webofscience.com/awards/highly-cited/2021/

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